Pay it Forward Quest

Come on Blizz. Did you guys just flip the Cata switch and hit the bars or seomthing?

Theres hundreds of Horde trying to complete this quest. Increase the spawns already.


I am gonna go take a nap, this is fing stupid

I logged off already. Completely rushed.

Yeh I left too. I play a game to enjoy it, not to be frustrated at not being able to progress.

Too many doing the same quest? That’s why I never start in the new areas at launch. Way to many trying to get them done. I’ll wait a week or so until it dies down a bit. :slight_smile:


Time to catch up on your shows and let that rested EXP accumulate in an exalted city on your characters.

Can’t wait for WOD Classic :).

A week? That’s extreme. Four hours later it had died down enough to get by. 12 hours later I’m leveling with about 2 or three people around me.

mine i finished all the damn euranake quest or however you spell his name. Then it sent me back to do pay it foward AGAIN. ONLY THIS TIME IT DOESNT FREAkING WORK ALSO ALLL THE QUEST I DID FOR HIM DIDNT COUNT.

i also do not understand why after all these years blizz you still are garbage. your games are always breaking even the second time around WHY…

quest chain took me back to “[81] Pay It Forward” but now the drowning soldiers just don’t spawn so i can’t continue the quest chain

Friendly reminder to blizzard this has been over a week and still cant finish vash’j zone because these mobs wont spawn for this quest.

I think the issue is this is a duplicate quest? You do a quest exactly like this from the Erunak Stonespeaker, and then there’s another npc on a random boat that gives the same exact quests.

Still not fixed after the patch, still cant complete 1/3rd of vash’j zone.

So why are you still here? Go play something else if it such a poor experience for you.