Patterns Within Patterns shouldn't expire

When you have one Patterns Within Patterns and the 3 day timer passes, you should be able to finish it and then accept the newest Patterns Within Patterns. You can’t accept the newest one until you complete or abandon the one you’re currently on. Seems pretty intuitive with no downsides.


not needed. 3 days is enough - we have had the same system for world content since legion and all of a sudden people need more than 3 days to do this, when it can be done in one.

what I dislike is we have less time to do it but also it takes longer, idk about you guys but I could do Korthia weekly within 30 minutes with rares treasures and dailies but this time I actually have to wait for the next set of WQ (next day) to finish the 3 day quest. I dislike having to run across the map towards a rare only for it to die before I tap it.


3 days is plenty for my main character. I’d like the quest progress to roll over for alts.

I enjoy Zereth Mortis, I don’t share the same complaints as many other people have, but I am also not determined to spend my entire evening there every day, I am determined not to burn myself out here.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to want this quest to roll over.


Can you name one downside?


Patterns really doesn’t take that long to do .

Besides the dailies and WQs any chests you find as well as rares add to it and honestly can be completed in one day and at the most 2 days .

Also I look at it currently as a way to speed up the process of getting the amount of FLux needed to acquire the 2nd legendary .

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it sort of is considering the 3 days was given because people complained they can’t be on every day to do dailies. So blizzard extended it so people would have 3 days to do this instead of one now people want more…

Or just make it a week and add more rep to it.

Also didn’t do anyone any favors that the first one was only 2 days long.

Bare minimum, make the time left a little more prominent. Why do I have to hover over it on the quest log? That is pretty unintuitive ui design.


no thanks. what about the people who do them in one day, should they have no content to do for a week?

I agree that it should be like the Anima quest or the shaping fate where you can turn it in later. Not so sure I agree that then you can pick up another one. You should only have access to one turn in every quest cycle, in this event 3 days.

I agree. There is no disadvantage to it not expiring.


This originally started with people complaining they couldn’t be on every day so they missed doing dailies. So blizzard extended this so people only had to be on once every 3 days. Now you want it so last who knows how long.

In addition, to it taking time to program this - it makes the game emptier which is a bad thing according to blizzard.

I used to do emissaries on 6 character daily in BFA sometimes more. If you want to complain about something complain about how long each of these dailies takes to do. This expansion has been terrible for dailies taking as long as dungeons to do and have a fraction of the reward.

I would be happy if it worked like the Jailer thing in Korthia does. If you don’t finish in the three days, you can roll over, but you don’t get the new quest until the next reset. It doesn’t change the current speed but doesn’t waste user’s time in case RL comes up and they can’t log in during that time.

I’m far far less likely to even start such a quest unless I know I can devote the hours to complete it. RL has priority and as they say, stuff happens. If one’s life is a bit disruptive, for example: I’ve a job and deadlines can crop up unexpectedly. My cat got sick and that had to be dealt with, etc.

And as other people have said, running to a boss just to see it die as you get there, repeatedly, is discouraging.


It’s gonna be terrible for me starting next week. Our raid days is tuesday wednesday. It’s gonna be hell to do the first bi-weekly.

? You can still grind it out in a day.

So are you currently only doing ZM twice a week? All the dailies, rares, wqs, and chests still reset daily.

Your argument makes no sense.

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It doesn’t have to make sense. BliZzaRd GoOd, anyone who disagrees BaD!

there are other rewards that just rep from those - should they double all the rewards then? Just because you aren’t interested in the other rewards other are.

and that is all crappy content and not worth doing for the most.

Sorry but no it’s not.

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No, It’s the same quest. Even if it didn’t expire you wouldn’t be able to pick up the “new” one because you just handed it in.

For Example, I had the Korthia weekly for like 2 months, it didn’t expire but if I ever finished it there wouldn’t be another one to pickup… it’s the same quest.

This would not make the game emptier. The amount of playtime required to complete 2 Patterns Within Patterns within a 6-day window would be exactly the same, so the added flexibility wouldn’t decrease the time people spend in game. It’s literally an “everybody wins” scenario.

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