Can you make this recipe unlimited or something, people are camping the vendor and putting it up for 150g on wild growth, this isn’t new and is an easy change, its so greasy and totally screwing tailors for making it to 300.
Thank you.
Can you make this recipe unlimited or something, people are camping the vendor and putting it up for 150g on wild growth, this isn’t new and is an easy change, its so greasy and totally screwing tailors for making it to 300.
Thank you.
I agree with you, but to be fair, I made it to 300 tailoring just fine without this recipe and also made gold in the process.
All the greens I made instead (runecloth belt and pants I believe) I was able to sell those enchanting mats on the AH for just as much if not more than what the bags would have sold for.
I got a significant amount of greater eternal essences from disenchanting those greens, and they are selling like hot cakes for 10-15g a piece because they are needed for the 0.5 quest.
no one is even going to buy runecloth bags at this point with 18 and 20 slot bags why are you even trying??? you 100% dont need it for leveling either
Most Tailoring guides recommend runecloth bags for 280-290 tailoring.
And prior to the hotfix the 18 slot Leather Reinforced Runecloth Bag required the regular Runecloth Bag + Cured Rugged Hide as a reagent.
It is however EXTREMELY annoying for those players who like collecting every recipe for their profession. (Yes there are many of those people, and I am one of those on Retail. I have every still obtainable Alchemy recipe on this very character I’m posting on and nearly every BS recipe on my DK).