Patiently Waiting

There is gray area tho

It “dies” the most because it’s the KT 99.99% of the time and I’d argue more than half of the current lock population struggles when trained


I’m not saying aff is bad. It’s obviously extremely good. But saying it’s unkillable is flat out wrong. It’s the second most killed spec. I don’t think there’s gray area there. How else do you quantify if something is killable.

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The locks that dorito and Amatox are facing, for example, probably aren’t “killable” because they playing the spec to its max hence the gray area


If you read my first reply a couple times it might start to make sense

A spec that is a required kt because of how threatening it is dying more often does not indicate whether or not it’s defensive tool kit is good or bad (it’s good)

right? lol

I fully believe mistweaver is #3 healer in shuffle because of the DPS that are good rn, hunter in particular

Yea I don’t really play shuffle but MWer should never have issues with pet specs

Yeah I had a nice 5-1 against Amatox a week or two ago. He mentioned something about coming back from a break in chat and was whining because he was losing.

Anyway, basic stats are basic stats. Aff is killable because it’s the highest killed spec in the game behind Destro (talking about shuffle). You can’t change basic facts. If it dies the most, it is killable.

Yes if a lock uses its toolkit correctly it can win by kiting the sh*t out of people, that doesn’t mean it’s not killable when it in fact dies the most across ratings. You can adjust the mmr filter on first blood and it’s still like top 3 or 4 above 2400. Subjectively I know that’s true because I’m at that rating…


You just admitted most locks suck btw

“Lock dies if you don’t play correctly”

Woah really? Shocking…

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This has been a rough shuffle season for me. I think it’s cuz I turned 30 :sob:

I think the disconnect here is you’re stuck on the literal meaning of killable rather than the implied meaning


I’m turning 35 this year brother…. It only gets worse but you’ll be fine :sweat_smile:

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Aff lock flexing beating dk in shuffle after dk coming back from a break.


Aff was more broken before the nerfs. They’re more manageable now.


Personally I think they need to erase cleanse protection from the game as well. The second they put a cooldown on cleanse, cleanse protection was not needed.

They can manage their cooldowns accordingly just like the rest of us. Can’t just DoT everyone up and pop it. You gotta bait cleanse then pop it.

Very tired of the lazy designs in this game.

I tilt qd all ssn to get the legend (idk y) this whole forum prob 5-1 me it’s over

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Unkillable even though they have the highest death count. The cope is real.

I mean they’re hard to kill, but everything is in this game. Defensives are too strong and cc has been nerfed a billion times.

No flame on Dorito, but I’ve never seen a ww die, so a bit ironic to see him say that.

I think you’re just twisting the argument to satisfy whatever point you’re trying to make.

Dorito guy said unkillable. Stats show most deaths. Most of their damage is instant cast. You have to go them because other targets are usually harder to kill, and because you can’t let an aff free cast.

You’re actually over complicated a simple statistic.

It’s funny because WW is absurdly tanky right now

Check the ww death rate.