Pathfinder to uninstallation

Bye Felicia :wave:

Hmm, I wouldn’t call it “powerful”. Just removes some of the tediousness of repeating the same content 100 times.

And yes, I have quit multiple times mostly due to this. Sorry, I spent a lot of gold in BC to earn my flying mount, and the rep grinds for the Netherwing drakes. Having these unusable (well, aside from jumping dragons) in current content after I have seen it all, yes it is enough for me to unsub. Obviously not everyone feels this way, but it irks me for sure.


I’m the OP. I actually love WQs, GREAT addition to WoW. I also liked the concept of warforged/titanforged but its being taken away.

I also like the idea of making crafting USEFUL 1-120. Buff leveling crafting recipes so if you craft, you are overpowered while you level. SCREW HEIRLOOMS!

Then, make crafting useful at the level cap.

My dream expansion is when you hit the level cap and this is what you can do to gear up:

1.) Dungeons
2.) Crafting
3.) World Quests
4.) PvP

NO DAILIES Its that simple how awesome that expansion would be.

Mix in casual things like mounts/pets you can farm for BUT NOT FLYING.

Because it’s a qol issue you don’t care about spending 3 times more time on the ground to do the daily bs I do. Usually my time is fairly limited per day outside of raid times that I specifically organize around.

Also I honestly feel a lot more immersed flying over the continent than I do following a set flight path or dodging health bars on the ground.


Except there’s a challenge to be found in M+. No said challenge in WQs…

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Because flying is fun.


Wqs are 1000 times better than the dailies of classic, bc, wrath, ect.

Id rather farm wq to get flying than do mechagon dailies, or uldum and vales dailies. With or without flight.

Getting pathfinder took less than a month before, and now with the rep bonus and when the next wq rep weekly comes, you can probably do it in 1 or 2 weeks.

People still going on about Pathfinder I though Blizzard already took care of this issue buy making the last two expansion version purchasable?

Dailies and world quests are not the only repetitive content that we’ve grinded since day 1. This whole game, most of this whole genre, is centered around grinding repetitive content.


Whenever someone complains about pathfinder I imagine they are a 13 yr old CoD player that thinks anything beyond queueing from a game menu is “so much work”.


I wholeheartedly believe that this is the issue with many complaints. Many players just want to log in, do the raid/key/whatever they want to do and log out. They don’t want to progress their character in the manner that most mmorpg’s have done it for, well, since forever.


I was about to say, “Getting pathfinder is easier than getting your Ilevel” based on me assuming yours would be higher than mine. However, mine is 449 from soloing (er 450 now, did two mask vision and forgot) and you do mythics.

But I found Pathfinder way easier to get than doing mythics (which I’ve never done.)

Well yeah, which was VERY EASY. I got exalted to turtles JUST doing their easy emissary, which also got me multiple paragons since then.

I’d find slogging through mythics WAY worse; I guess people just like/can stand different stuff :wink:

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There’s no record of you doing anything before 2016. I can prove I was around in Vanilla with FoS. Can you?


I don’t understand the crying about Pathfinder. Most of the stuff you need to unlock it is done by normal content you’d do in every expansion in the history of the game.

I had part one unlocked before the first patch hit without even trying to.

People will literally complain about ANNNNNYTHING.

lol bye. there was 0 difficulty in getting flying. it was an annoyance especially for NEW players. stop acting like you’re 12. Just based on your name I hope you leave the game for good.

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This is stupid. Flying was always unlocked via gold. Stop supporting artificial time gating. It’s literally what is killing wow fool


I guess if you prefer end game chores instead of challenges then sure.

With Shadowlands, Pathfinder has been the norm for as long as simply buying flying with gold was.

Saying it’s been “always unlocked with gold” is factually untrue.


Pathfinder is super easy.

If they don’t do world quests, why do they want to fly?