Pathfinder needs more options

Earning Pathfinder for free is nice, but some people want more options to fly straight away without having to wait an insidiously long time-gate.

As someone who earned Pathfinder up to now, I propose some solutions to the dilemma. Namely buying it.

1. Add a shop option for real money. If it came with (a) mount(s) or increased run speed, give those on purchase.

2. Add a buy-per-character option for gold. No mounts or movement speed, though.

3. (Experimental) Have world content in Tanaan, Broken Shore, 8.2’s new zone, and whatever else moving foward drop Flight Licenses per character around the time Part 2’s normally come out, to get people caught up on flying. I’d imagine with people farming this, it’d have to be valuable, so it’s a really rare drop chance. People can determine if it’s cheaper to farm or cheaper to buy from an NPC per character or from the shop for real money.

I will add more ideas, but these three should suffice for now. Feel free to add ideas of your own regarding the matter.

Also first thread under the new system.

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I think there shouldn’t be a time gate, but you should be required to actually play the game IE: Do the content to unlock flying. It will feel more like a sense of achievement after you’ve unlocked it. I do think however there should be something for older content like WOD, and Legion, making it much easier to unlock.

Buying flying? What? Really?

Absolutely disagree 100% The game should not be a pay to win, or pay to achieve. It should be more of a “I’m working hard to achieve this.” I’m happy to agree with you on the timegating, but paying for in game benefits is a no no.

You can already buy 110 boosts for gold. I’ve done it on two characters.

Nothing with real money please, like I said-this should not be a pay to achieve. Don’t make it a Diablo 2.0


Needs more? Yes.
Gonna get more? When satans abode freezes over.

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Noooo no no nonononononononononoooooooooo.

That is just a…a terrible idea.


Isnt a $60 boost exactly that? Achieving level 110 for real cash?
Its not a problem IF they dont go nuts and REQUIRE cash to be paid for something.
IF PF can be bought with gold and max level AND/OR it can be achieved like it is now, then it wont matter in the least, just like my paid boost doesnt affect anyone elses game.

Now, if they said you can ONLY get flight by paying us $50, then yeah, thats a problem and I imagine they’d lose a ton of subs from day one.

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Hahaha hahaha No.:no_entry_sign:


That’s exactly what it is.

I disagree, I think that people should be able to earn everything or simply farm it for free. I don’t think specifics should be paid for, such as flying. If a person wants flying maybe they can spend half the time, or spend a quarter of the time doing what we did to get it, but I don’t think its right for them to outright pay for it. If it starts there, when will it end?
Many people hated the idea of Diablo Immortal because of all the cash implements that they would have incorporated with the mobile device. It was a #joke
I’m okay with the boosts, fine-sure… But anything else is a bit much.

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The time gating is ridiculous.


I feel like you only chopped up the bits you disagree with.

Do you have any ideas regarding the flying dilemma?

As an old school player I am opposed to flying all together, I actually prefer to be on the ground mount, but please don’t allow my disagreements to upset you if they did, that was furthest from my intentions. I will say that though, I currently enjoy working towards all of my pathfinders, and while I disagree with the timegating for the current one, I am not entirely opposed to it right now because I’m waiting for them to add more content, which is their ultimate intention with the timegating situation.

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  1. Hell no. No pay to win crap. If you make paid flying, then you can’t allow it for free unless you make pathfinder 10x worse.

  2. No

  3. No

INSTEAD, I vote that pathfinder turns into one achievement. So if you get BFA pathfinder, you can fly in legion and wod zones. This makes it friendlier to returning people.

I also vote to remove pt 2. Its completely unnecessary, just enable it in 8.1 or 8.1.5 that is a good time between ground and flying content.


Removing the timegating sounds like a viable option, yes. On a side vein, something like having Part 1 give you flying for the mainland and Part 2 gives you flying in new lands related to that expansion.


agree that flying needs pay shortcut options, and a couple different paths that aggregate into the same goal

like a pvp path to pathfinder

or a crafting/petbattle path to pathfinder

forcing every damn player to finish all these mindless quests is not the path to success. A friggin TON of us hate blizzard quests.

Pathfinder was created to force players to recycled old, tired content, so they wouldn’t have to create new, quality content.

How many times would you have run those world quests if you hadn’t been required to?

Your time is not “free” in any sense of the word.


The only time I really wanted to break something thats gated, I guess, is MoP leather working.

There only dilemma is DO Pathfinder or DON’T. There’s nothing wrong with Pathfinder.


Going to try and make this really clear.

They. Don’t. Want. You. To. Fly. Straight. Away.

It’s really, truly, that simple. Pathfinder is “working as designed”. The time gate and other requirements are a “feature”, not a “bug”.

They are DONE talking about PF, it’s doing what it’s designed to do, the way it’s designed to work.

With all of their flowery language removed, the answer to “Why does PF take so long” is “Because we want it to.”

And since this is their game, their world, their tickets, their gates – then, it works the way they want it to.


I mean, at that point, they might as well make the game free to play because the amount of time (For players that won’t pay) to earn it in game will take 5x longer.

Look at other games that have items or services available both in-game and for cash… In every instances I’ve encountered, the “free” version would take months to complete and in some cases, nearly a year.

So anyone farming said items, usually give up and end up paying the cash. That’s how they end up making bank on those Cash transactions. :rainbow:

Tokens for cash is bad enough, but an actual pay to win? No. I’m of the camp that PF should be removed entirely and go back to paying gold at level cap.


I agree with this. I don’t mind doing all the task associated with pathfinder, but the long time delay in order to actually complete it needs to go away.