Pathfinder is killing WoW: Either give us flying or get rid of it

You got some statistics? No way are all those who have unsubbed, have unsubbed just because of Pathfinder. Get a grip. It’s not that big of a deal.

As for Ff14? Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t they just hit 1 million players?

It’s a game and if you want to be a snake slithering on the ground then go for it. I want to be the hawk that grabs snakes from the sky to feed to my children. If you don’t want flying then delete your stupid flying mounts.


Please kill something that makes me experience the new expac and earn flying.

Nah. I prefer this to having flying taken away entirely, which is what they were going to do back in WoD. Id rather earn it again than not have it at all.

The game is the same since Wrath except flying so yes all flying.

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And that’s where you’re mistaken, pal.

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Well stated. I have two accounts subbed full time since vanilla. I never run out of content, since I play every class. Pathfinder is a job I don’t enjoy. I’d rather just log onto an alt and play that. Pathfinder is the ONLY thing that makes me want to unsub. I hate it that much. It takes away any enjoyment I get from the game game. I absolutely despise pathfinder.


Some people have jobs, you know?


Not your pal or ever want to know you to be honest. But you can guess as much as I can. Do you have the numbers to say not all flying. Maybe you should go the Grand Canyon and try to fly yourself and tell me how it was pal.

I personally think they should have come up with a fatigue system for flying. Instead of being able to fly constantly, you have to pick up your flying mount from a certain location and then it can only fly so long before it needs to rest. Would have been cool to do that with ground mounts as well. You have to actually dismount and leave your mount somewhere.

The issue with flying right now is that it’s too easy to fly right on top of an objective, and then fly away in ten seconds. So it is an issue in my mind.

But I would rather they had flying than Pathfinder.

Hell no. Then they will start to sell more fatigue in the shop and start the ugly path to Archage.


I hate hate hate Pathfinder. I loathe having to do it every expansion because I have to play the game the way blizzard wants me to so I can get flying. I don’t care about rep from some island I will never see again. I rather run around on my alts doing things I enjoy.


You know I think it all comes back to how they trivialized leveling. Once they did that, the game shifted from mains to alts, except Blizzard thinks the fix is to give busywork to max level mains instead of fixing the leveling or making the game alt friendly with shared progress.


Fixed your post for you :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

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Says the guy who is posting on a toon, on one of the most Horde dominated PVP servers… Oh the irony.


I did Warlords Pathfinder and never did it again. I only came back this month after being gone since last October because I missed Pandaria. Once I’ve gone through it end to end, I’m unsubbing again. I’m never going to do the Pathfinder hamster wheel again. Before Pathfinder I roamed Azeroth for years finding adventure wherever I went. Now, its just a dirty, dull job.


Obviously the problem is not the basic design, as anyone who has played WoW at all knows the basics and likes them.

The problem is this team’s inability to make the carrot desirable enough and to make a stick that doesn’t smack you in the head.

First mistake

LMAO. Nope. It isn’t killing WoW. WoW is still going strong for a 14+ year old game.

Also, stop making demands like this. It was either no flying or pathfinder. I prefer to fly. Blizzard isn’t going to just give it back like how it did. Get over it already. We were told this back in WoD on how flying will now be given. If you can only play WoW with flying then WoW isn’t for you.

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What exactly would constitute “desirable” rewards that don’t create another system people think is TOO rewarding. No matter what blizzard does, some of you people who spend more time complaining than actually playing, will find fault with the new paradigm.

It isn’t an issue with rewards… it is actually an issue with expectations being unrealistic for a game.

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Going strong, or eeking by thanks in part to this new time played-we’ll-time-gate-everything to keep you paying on top of micro transactions abound?

The game is doing what it can to survive, lets not pretend otherwise. Flyings icing.