Pathfinder is getting ridiculous

Now we can actually play the game on our terms. That is how WoW is supposed to be.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Lol. I’m already max renown with everyone except Loam. This game isn’t even a game anymore. There’s nothing to work toward.

Next we’ll just log in with all 450 gear. I mean, why not? then we can play on our own terms. That’s how wow is supposed to be.

Everything required for Pathfinder you should already have. Basically to have Pathfinder unlocked you have to unlock World quest and that’s pretty much it.

You literally just have to play the game.


There is no reason why you should make earning gear so difficult. Just give us max gear with 10.2.

To be fair unlocking World quest unlocks Pathfinder pretty much. I think the OP needs to consult a dictionary. Seems confused on the meaning of the word difficult. I mean I know the word is subjective but come on

It would be nice if people who actually did get their renown up got something else as a nice reward if not flying. A lot of players like me were expecting a renown requirement and have been working on it, steadily, all year.

It’s over.

We have the high ground


It is not difficult. If you don’t want to do the achieves, just wait until it is not required anymore. Why do people expect something for free? It’s a reflection of our society nowadays. Entitled and unremarkable.


If this is difficult for you then this might not be the game for you.

Oh it absolutely was no doubt, it was so bad I refused to do, years later they gave it to us for free! LOL

Ion wants it dead.

He is welcome to his game. Will never spend another dime with Blizzard since this is the way it is going to be form now on.

I kind of agree, I playtested 2nd Edition and it wasn’t really “for me”, and I never really got along with the 1st Edition players.

did not actually read OP

I did it then only like half a year after it was given to everyone for free. XD

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If they are “making” you play the game, what does that say about the game?