- First you lie.
- Then you try to insult by demeaning them.
How did you lie? You claim you only cannot hover on dragon and you can do everything else.
You cant go straight up and keep going up until you cannot go up anymore because of the zone is only so high.
You cannot go forward, stop, go back, stop and go forward again and repeat until you get sick of it because…no energy or momentum required to stay up.
You cannot point yourself to where you want to go and just…fly there. You in fact cannot do all the things a normal mount can do on a dragon because a dragon is reliant on momentum and energy remaining while an old mount can.
An old mount can dive, an old mount can shoot up into the sky…it can do what dragon mounts can do. Slower.
There is one thing and one thing only that a dragon has over the old mounts. Speed.
I do not need a disability or anything else to not like dragonflight. I had my fill of this horrible design in Guild Wars 2. Its limiting, it does not have the freedom of old flying, which is far superior in all ways other than speed. And faster, is not better when coupled with this system. Its even worse because its dragons, which should be the masters of the sky and should have the flight capabilities of the old system with the current dragons speed.