Path of Ascension - Kyrian

I started the Path of Ascension for the Kyrian and am finding it frustrating that i can’t see the Ascension crafting menu on the road. After the first one where you just need feathers and pelts it becomes a lot more annoying because you have no way of seeing how many of the certain drops you need while farming them out in the different locations (for example, Champion’s Pelt and Nightforged Steel). Considering there are multiple different items with different required reagants it seems like a gap.

Am I just blatantly missing something?

I’m also having problem crafting medallion of service, though I have all the materials, it seems Ascencion crafter Dactylis don’t have the blueprint to craft it anymore. Is there another way or npc can craft " medallion of service ", or just farm them from certain mobs ( forsworn acolytes, etc… )?

I don’t know why my DK appeared on the reply though the topic is for my level 60 Hunter. Please anybody can tell me where to go to craft " Medallion of Service " other than Ascencion crafter Dactylis in Bastion?

This is infuriating Blizzard. This expansion has been out for nearly 6 months and yet nothing has come out to guide us on where to get these damn blueprints yet?? Is it a world drop? An ultra rare dungeon or raid boss drop? Do we have to bribe a Blizz wonk to get it? Give us some idea or even a damn clue on how to find these blueprints.