Path of Ascension - Cannot Unlock Loyalty Diffculty

I’ve completed all the quests and defeated all six available combatants three times each. There are no other quest available. I’ve crafted every single item available to craft as well. I cannot unlock Kalisthene in Loyalty difficulty and the quest to obtain Thran’tiok is not available. My Path of Ascension building is at Rank 2.

Anyone else with this same issue?


hi , ive got the same problem , 6 of them open but cant access loyalty and no further quests with rank 3


I have the same problem


Same here, stuck at 6 on Courage difficulty.


I am getting the same issue too.

My character has the level 3 Path of Ascension upgrade, “Continued Training”, unlocked. However, it seems like the upgrade effects from level 2 and level 3 of that upgrade are not unlocking correctly.

The level 2 Path of Ascension upgrade, “Sacred Trials”, is suppose to do a few things. First, allow the capture of 4 more memories, which should increase the total number to 10 (which is how many bosses there are in total). And second, empower some of the memories to unlock their level 2 encounters. Neither of these are occurring. The last thing it is suppose to do, was unlock a weekly quest, which, it did.

The level 3 Path of Ascension upgrade, “Continued Training”, is suppose to unlock the remaining level 2 encounters for all bosses, and one of the level 3 encounter. Neither of these occurred. It is also suppose to unlock the ‘Brazier of Lessons Learned’ in the game mechanic, which it did.

I did notice something odd, the level 5 upgrade reward, Inward Reflection, was active in the POA game mechanic, when it shouldn’t be, since I do not have that upgrade.

As for the bosses, I have Kalisthene, Echthra, Alderyn & Myn’ir, Nuuminuuru, Craven Corinth, and Splinterback Nightmare unlock. And these bosses only have their level 1 encounters unlocked. I have also completed all their level 1 encounters, and receive their rewards. Fighting the level 1 encounter again, just rewards random crafting resources.


I am having the same exact issue that you describe, one of the last two achievements needed for SL Meta :frowning:


I got the same problem, I defeated everyone in the courage tests, and… as for the loyaltys bosses, I have Kalisthene, Echthra, Alderyn & Myn’ir and Nuuminuuru the others are locked! no matter how many times i tried, it keep saying “you have to defeat more bosses”


Same on both my alts. I just want the bronze recolor of the path sets :frowning:


Just some solidarity. Same issue here.

Max sanctum
Max renown
Complete campaign
All available items crafted
No progression


Same here.

After the maintenance today I am able to progress (^_^)/ Hopefully you all are able to as well!