Patchwerk fight

Stack and soak is always an unfilled circle with a large central plume. Without the plume it’s spread.

I kind of thought that Normal/Heroic Ulgrax, Sikran, Rash’anan and to a lesser extent Ky’veza all felt like Patchwerk fights lol. Barely any mechanics, lust on pull.

Sikran would have been a patchwerk fight if it had any semblance of a DPS check. Instead it’s just kinda a damp squib.

You can make it a DPS check by having everyone afk grey parsing and running out of space for images!

There are plenty of bosses that are primarily DPS checks in modern WoW. Fetid Devourer in Uldir, Sludgefist in Nathria, Guardian in SoD…

BRD used the exact same one with the plume for both soak and get out. Pretty sure Vault did, too.

Brd might’ve done but I don’t recall a boss with the run out when circle mechanic, dagran had the soak though. Vault didn’t, aberrus didn’t.

Circle + plume = soak
Circle + no fill = spread
Circle + fill = move out of circle

Dagran during Rag wasn’t a soak. Therein lies the issue. The same exact graphic was used for a soak and a get out.

I know this, because I ran it a lot and we constantly had pugs confusing the two because of it.

Point stands: don’t use the same exact graphic for two different mechanics.

Not in today’s game. Back when Patchwerk and similar bosses were current, they were much more simple to begin with. I mean just look at a number of bosses that were primarily tank and spanks back in vanilla and the first two expansions.

20 years ago, that was fine. But now, not so much. We have much larger kits to deal with mechanics and things in general, so having a boss that utilized none of that would be pretty boring. Basically the boss would be a snoozefest and either likely be overtuned or undertuned.

Dagran P2 was still a soak? It just hit harder and left fire on the ground? We usually suicided people after the first 2-3 when we did heroic. Or is there another mechanic I’m not remembering.

Dropping lava pools in LFR and Normal used the same exact large circle with the swirling plume around a person that’s used to tell people to soak. So people were dropping the huge Rag lava onto the raid instead of off somewhere else.

Oh I think that might be because the mechanic is supposed to be a soak, it just gets downgraded on normal / LFR (Or the damage is so low that not soaking it barely matters). It should still change but that at least explains the difference

The Butcher from Highmaul has been called
One as well

The only noticeable damage I saw from it in those modes was if you stand in the lava afterwards. If people dropped it on the group, half the raid would end up dead, due to everything else pugs can’t do.

If they were going to reduce the damage that much for that mechanic so it was better to run out and drop elsewhere… then that was a weird move on their part.

You guys dont know Patchwerk fight. In Vanilla, high end guilds had slight issues on the fight particularly those with very high DPS DPS’ers.

Parchwerk is a Threat-meter fight. If you bring too much threat becoz of very high DPS beating the Tank on threat-meter, you get 1 shot killed. Our Elite guild then had too many high DPS DPS’ers who can out-threat the Tank. It was a wipesfest on us on our first try until the guild requires everyone to have a Threat-meter.

If a melee DPSer out-threat the Tank, he dies right away. Only him would die. If a Range DPSer out-threat the Tank, Patchwerk runs to him to kill him. When Patchwerk move out from the Tank, the Tank would miss hitting the Patchwerk causing his threat to go down. And if everyone continues to DPS Patchwerk with Tank’s threat went down, Patchwerk would kill everyone one by one. Patchwerk was hard for me then. My DPS has uncontrollable threat spikes. I just press escape when my name becomes #2 on threat-meter. The Tank should always be #1 on threat-meter or someone dies.

High DPS DPS’ers then regard this fight a boring fight becoz we cant do too much DPS or we get replaced if we die on Patchwerk.

The whole purpose of patchwork style bosses in the past was to be a gear check. Simply doing enough damage before the enrage is the whole point. With the way gearing works nowadays, it could be impossible week 1 and trivial by week 2