Patch progression in TBC. Do it

I want 2.3 and 2.4 implemented for AV. Tickets to stop suicide mages and move horde cave back where it belongs.

I agree on this. We’ll have they 2.4.3 patch anyway doing a real patch progression will cost too much for Blizzard.

If they use 2.4.3 as base and phase like you did it’s totally fine.

Screw dailies.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but didn’t private servers do patch progression?

2.4.3 talents
Kara/gruul/mag for 3 months with heroics
Then ssc and tk for 3 months
Vial change at 3 months (everybody gets one off kael and vashj)
BT and hyjal for 3 months
ZA for 1 month
Isle of quel dropped, Sunwell starts unlocking, attunements removed for bt and hyjal

At this point I would then hope to see additional content for BC. I can dream. Hopefully dragon isles.

Killing attunements kills BC, however, 2.4.3 talents were by far the best and I see no reason not to launch the most polished talent trees from the start.

Also, bosses should all ABSOLUTELY be in their hardest state and LEFT THERE.

Also, make sure seed of corruption doesn’t go through floors. That was a nightmare in Kara.


Sometimes, passionate players do a better job.

Let’s be real, like stated before, they’ll use the Legion client & emulate TBC on it.

Having to fix bugs on each version is gonna take too much time & money.
The players will take Class/items for their 2.4.3 state which could be “bad”.

Using 2.4.3 as base and revert some changes like put back the attunements, revert some nerfs in the first phases could be the best choice.

Your first mistake was thinking Blizz would act like private servers.

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I would also like the 2.1 arcane mage where you used arcane missiles as your filler.

Before they added Icy Veins and buffed Frostbolt’s coefficient scaling so you used frostbolt as your filler.

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I would much prefer they use 2.4.3 as a base and make community driven changes. I’d like if they actually partnered with us like they claimed they would for Classic.

Let’s not have TBC held back by “No-changes” like Classic was, please.

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Whats the point of trying to bringback the old game if you just gonna water it down by idiotic forum ideas combined with the current’s dev team ineptitude to create a compelling expansion (game).

Go play retail and don’t ruin TBC even further. Its already gonna suffer because they gonna re-engineer the legion client again. No need to make it even worse.

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I like this idea as well. As far as "classic" to think they didnt have all their assets backed up would be silly. What happened i think is by following the private scene myself there was a meeting with like esfund and other higher profile private players and server owner with blizz and the private servers refused to shut down unless classic as is was released as the players felt it was the best version of vanilla which was exactly what private servers used. Think about it, thats ALOT OF SUBS blizz could guarantee coming their way basicly so business wise made absolute sense to release it. After all, those community subs would easily pay for classic to exist alone.
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Classic isn’t even on the Legion client.

As for phasing, I severely dislike any proposal that puts less content in the game than was in the original release. Seeing a lot of people suggest not even having T5 until Phase 2.

I personally hate phasing content with a passion, but if you have to do it, don’t phase more than the original release did. At least classic has the excuse of trying to mimic a release schedule.

The demo was built on the Legion client and classic is built on BFA. Either way it does not matter, its still not the original one and has to be changed in order to make a version of TBC work.

Your idea is still detrimental to what the the point of having TBC is.

Nah, it isn’t. We can rebalance the game a bit and include some QoL features voted in by the community. We have QoL changes in Classic that made the game better, we can have them and more in TBC. “No-changes” is a meme to the people actually playing Classic. It’s constantly mocked by my guild and trade chat.

No “No-changes” for TBC, thanks.

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Forgot TBC patch progression. Just do TBC +. People asking for the original TBC experience will ruin TBC just like they ruined classic by asking for ‘no changes’. TBC can be a masterpiece if they start where they left off and refine it for todays gaming meta.


I personally think the first time around should be no changes. After we’ve played Vanilla-Wrath, then go back and do + versions of all of them.

But really, what would they ever do that from a business perspective? The same people who are going to play TBC+ would be more or less the same people who would play TBC Classic. You’re basically asking them to spend 5 times more money to get the same return. That’s not good business.

I am highly pessimistic about TBC. I think if they really go the nochanges route the entire expansion will be screwed harder than classic ever was

Yes it is. The whole point of bringing back classic or TBC is so people can enjoy they expansions as they were. There will be changes anyway due to the nature of the design and that it is not a 1:1 copy, but they should not touch it at all and neither should community ideas be implemented. Otherwise you end up with some version of WoW that has nothing to do with TBC at all anymore.

Just look at classic. Look how many changes they made even though the #no changes dogma was rather strong coming from the community. I dont even wanna think about what would happen if the chains were unleashed.

Also you seem to not differ at all between simple QoL changes and actual gameplay changes (based on another topic where you suggested this). So please, just no.

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I’m holding out hope for TBC. I think the difference between TBC and Vanilla is that TBC was made with a certain level of min maxing in mind. I don’t know that the early stuff in Vanilla was made with that same thought process. Plus, I don’t think the changes between the first patch of TBC and the last patch are as extreme as the difference between launch day Vanilla and patch 1.12. Hopefully I’m right.