Patch on Tuesday?

Have there been any 8 hour maintenance that havent been at least patches?


Since when have tuning hotfixes every taken 8 hours of maintenance?

:pray: :dracthyr_nod:


Yes there have. It’s possible it’s the patch. But it’s also possible that it’s not. Don’t get your hopes up too much.

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Blizzard won’t preload the event right? They have to know it’ll be datamined and that would ruin whatever surprise they are hiding right?


I think that it sometimes happens when they roll out infrastructure upgrades?

Not sure, I don’t 100% trust my memory these days to not start hallucinating things … wait a sec … I really hope I’m not just an AI.


Nobody knows. They’re talking about class tuning on Tuesday in another thread. Class tuning doesn’t usually happen as part of a patch. It happens between patches. If it were part of the patch they would wait and issue patch notes.

It’s that class tuning thread that has me thinking it’s NOT for the patch. It’s still possible but I consider it unlikely.

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maybe MS doesn’t see patch day as sacred so class tunings and patches happen on the same day?

It’s a surprise!


MS doesn’t have anything to do with the operation of WOW. The WOW team has not changed at all. The only thing they’ve done (outside of HR changes) is appointing a new president of Blizzard after Mike left. WOW is the only thing Blizzard has that’s successful right now, so they are leaving it completely alone.

So the new pres has zero authority to tell WoW devs to post it all on the same day?

That’s not the president’s job. You really don’t seem to understand how big companies work. The president is not going to micromanage, or probably even be aware of all of the details of the running of WOW. The game director (Ion in this case) probably reports to her, but she doesn’t need to know every single detail of what they’re doing. Heck, he might not even report directly to the president. Depends on how the divisions are set up.

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Looks like it might be happening any way boss man.

So no matter how you or I feel about it, class tunings and a patch look like they happening tomorrow tuesday.

Yah they’re usually called DDoS attacks :dracthyr_crylaugh:

A longer maintenance like that is usually an actual patch, yeah. I’m sure hoping so because the suspense is killing me.


Please let it be 10.2.6 season 4 and the surprise!

:pray: :dracthyr_nod:

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It’s not so much that patch days are sacred as Blizzard feels that doing a content patch the same day they make you re-learn your class is kind of a dick move.

I thought y’all were bored and made up a rumour saying that 10.2.6 is coming this Tuesday until I checked the BNet launcher. NOW this could be the new patch! …Hopefully since 10.2.5 felt…boring lately.

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As others said.

We recntly heard about the no ptr for upcoming.If I recall same was said at the time patch would be the same way.

I kinda hope it is the patch because my Darkspear will be happy because that means their heritage set.

I specifically leved a troll druid for it and now I love him more than my other characters.