Timewalking…in a month
Not much really, I’m not interested in recycle content, I want new content.
I mean, hardly anything has changed really except the things that should’ve been done from the start.
Classes barely got any changes which is supposed to be the real hook of these .5 patches. Oh well lol
I’d like to finally free up mechagnomes and use the name I’ve been squatting on for a while now.
Calculata shall live!
Not sure, depends on what’s happening with my guild raid tonight as to whether I’ll be in or not, if I’m not then just gonna work on kyrian for my prot and ret specs. I do know I’ll be doing chroegahst so I can grind out some legendaires for prot, along with upgrading some I have for prot and ret.
There isn’t much new for me, though I can see it can benefit others.
I got all 20’s done on this paladin, and I don’t really plan on pushing more. Going to swap to Venthyr to cookie cut through 18’s for some weekly vaults. I am 250 on this pala. Maybe I will commit this alt to do some Mythic SoD prog.
That’s about it.
I am not swapping any other covenants on any other toons. MM stays Fae, OL stays Venthyr, Bear stays Fae, Arms stays Kyrian.
5 active characters is already too many for me. Considering to setting warrior and hunter aside.
I have amazon prime and while waiting for the patch I had just watched a movie called;
The Green Knight
I really enjoyed that one a lot.
Running snoreghast 75 times across my chars to have 262 legendaries
Then farming for 2 weeks to afford them.
Alts aren’t new content…
I’m going to make a little to do list and work on alts probably.
Recycle of couple of leggos to finish off a couple of others without having to do Torghast more. Then I guess keep working on research for sockets/conduits.
Yay new content!
Im still waiting for next prepatch catchup
Check and see if they fixed the bug (or bad design change) that’s been in place since 9.1 launched that made it so we can’t see what character level is required to use lower-level BoE gear and consumables.
If they didn’t fix this with 9.1.5, I’m going to ramp up my complaining about it.
High Velf’s! Well, blonde hair for my Velf, anyway…
Hmm wonder if my ftp alts can do the solo island expeditions? That could be entertaining. Probably won’t burn a token until the mage tower is available.
We’re just getting the version of the game we should have got if they we’re dropping a content patch now.
Maybe take a couple alts to get haircuts, then maybe hop and skip a couple alts over the Maw to Oribos, then take my main to Islands to see if I enjoy it on my own, and maybe, just maybe run an alt or two through Torghast to see if I enjoy that yet as well.
Aside from that, just leveling alts, mount and transmog farming and whatever other things I do on the regular.
No content just another day
Well I’ll be busy shortly…have 15 lbs of chicken legs too skin and split up and season with Ken’s Italian dressing and freeze…my new Air Fryer/Rotisserie oven makes the best chicken…
As someone who doesn’t raid or do M+ at the moment, I have a few random goals for this patch:
- Get to Tier 6 rep with the Archivist’s Codex on my Hunter, then max out my catchup gear on my Hunter and then Warlock.
- Catchup on remaining Renown on my Paladin, then max out my catchup gear via Archivist’s Codex.
- Finish all wings of SoD LFR on my Hunter.
- Level up and really get into playing my Unholy DH and Frost Mage, two classes I know very little about. I’ve intentionally held back playing these two toons until the current expansion became way more alt friendly.
As for first thing I’ll do? Probably log onto my Hunter and see just how much more rep/relics I can get now that some of the restrictions have been removed and the drop rate has been increased, at least based on what the notes say.