What are you most excited about?
What’s the first thing you’ll do when you log in?
What are you most excited about?
What’s the first thing you’ll do when you log in?
Not much to be honest. Check my vault on my 4th alt that is slowing doing KSM.
Plan to create a Mechagnome. Only allied race I don’t have yet. Very excited!
It’s the exact same stuff as the day before but with less restrictions, there’s no new content besides some cosmetic stuff. What will anyone do besides what they always do while waiting for the 9.2 content patch.
After tonight’s debacle of pvp I don’t plan on logging in to the game,but I do plan on logging into battlenet to unsub.
Same thing we do every night Pinky
that’s pretty much new content for a lot of players. people that have been avoiding alts until the ripcord was pulled.
I am cautiously excited to be able to do Torghast for legos in a timely manner. Just excited for catchup in general.
Whats to be excited about, honestly?
Gonna level alts in preparation of the mage tower. I have a nice 5 day stretch to play pretty much uninterrupted. I have a DH, Hunter, and Warlock all above 50. Gonna start with DH
First thing is to upgrade all heirlooms
Really excited for leveling Torghast
Are you always this grumpy so early in the morning?
The patch is bringing lots of goodies to get your alts up to speed!
It’s 9pm here Tuesday night
Please let us know if you’re experiencing the Apocalypse.
There’s content to be excited about?!
I’m more of just looking forward to the alt stuff and the Mage Tower, Considering im a major Altoholic, will be easier to get my 20 60s up to speed ahaha… F*@$ my life. Also try for the 526th attempt at my KR Mount! Which won’t drop ahaha yay…
First stop is the hair salon for my Lightforged draenei. Then there’s no stopping til Oribos.
Then I’ll level her in Torghast I think. But I’m most excited about the new haircuts lol.
Aye add me on disc or Bnet and let me know how that goes, the torghast part, my interest in that is piqued and i wanna see if itll be fun or not
Going to level up the last of my alliance toons. My mage. Looking forward to seeing the changes to xp boosts and everything else in general.
Once the servers go down I’ll be sad…now to figure out what to do in the meantime will be hard.
Here we go again another patch day great ,now I’ll have to download and reset addons and then more problems in game because of it,nice.
Get curseforge, you can go into it after the patch and auto update all your addons without having to manually do it