Same boat here. I dont even remember who my original Dark Iron Dwarf was, but I probably deleted them after getting the account wide achievement… because it was ACCOUNT WIDE for a reason right?
So now, my current Dark Iron Dwarf cannot pickup the quest. Very poor experience.
It’s also reportedly possible to make the quest permanently unavailable for the ENTIRE account if a boost token was used on the character that was used to unlock the Heritage set.
If absolutely true, that’s a HUGE oversight that needs to be fixed ASAP.
im having the same problem, i leveled a dark iron when they first came out, got the heritage armor achv, deleted him, then this week leveled a new dark iron to 60, but no quest is showing up at the anvil guy
Exact same problem. The original character that got the armor has long since been deleted, and the achievement only shows it’s account wide, not who earned it. I have no idea which alt to restore, and with a 7 day wait in between (assuming it even can be), that’s beyond frustrating. Why bother to make the achievement account wide, but not let another of the same race who meets the requirements do the quest? Please fix this.
When they introduced DI Dwarves, I originally race changed this alt to the race. Then when they introduced heritage armor, I created a throwaway alt to level to max to get the armor. Once I was done with that alt and got the achieve and mog, I deleted him.
My alt of course couldn’t see the quest today. So I found my deleted DI Dwarf and reactivated him. He was only level 45 after the squish, so I had to level him up to 50. Once in Shadowforge City, he was able to accept the quest.
But my other alt still could not see it. So I’ll have to do it on him for the mount and the mog.
Good to hear you were able to get yours reactivated. Unfortunately the one that I did the achievement on originally was squished down to 29, and it’s been more than 90 days since she was deleted. So unless they give me the opportunity to redo the heritage armor quest on my current DI alt, they’ve just screwed a lot of us out of the cosmetic. I really hope they hotfix this.
I race-changed the character that originally earned the heritage armor, and am unable to pick up this new quest on a DI that I recently leveled 10-50 in anticipation of the patch.
I created my Dark Iron Dwarf Shaman got him to level cap back in BfA and I did not delete him. He is currently level 57 in SL and the quest still isn’t available for me to snag. I have the Heritage Armor, so not sure why the quest isn’t available for me.
What is frustrating about this is that they are obviously doing more than just checking for the achievement on the character when deciding whether or not do show the quest. Granting an achievement account-wide but then treating it like a character-specific achievement for progression is asking for logic problems like we are seeing.
Well, since the servers just went down for maintenance for 1 hour, let’s hope that they are addressing the issue in regards to the quest not showing up for everyone that is eligible to receive it.