Patch 8.1 and Cross-Faction Roleplay

I’m just tired of blizzard trying to be the fun police all the time. It’s like you just aren’t allowed to make your own fun in this game, whether it be in RP, or with toys, housing, or anything really.


Keeping this bumped, talk to us Blizz!


I already said this in a lot mg discords, but they plan to…“talk/Address” things tomorrow, we can all send in questions pertaining to the addon/s and hope they’ll ask.


I just posted my question on the Q&A forum, and it looks like a lot of other people have posted about CrossRP as well. However, it’s a big forum and there’s a lot of troll posts there so as many people need to contribute as possible if we want them to pay attention.


true, I need to actually write my version of the question since I was telling others…

Still no blizz answer? :frowning:


hopefully they do tomorrow.

How do you know that O.o

i dont

it’s why i said, -hopefully-.


I’ve just posted this question over in the Q&A, but no reason not to post it here. As others have surely said- please consider going over to that Q&A thread for tomorrow and liking all the Cross RP questions, and consider adding your own! Here’s mine:

“With the release of 8.1, it seems that Community chats became protected, rendering a lot of addons irreparably broken- including one that was an incredible boon to the RP community- Cross RP. As it was stated by devs to not be a violation of ToS, could you please give us an estimate of when its functionality will be restored- barring that, a reason for why this large-scale change was made and how you plan to work with the RP community to find a solution?”


Well worded, however I have noticed that often the questions they pick in the Q&A are much shorter. It may be prudent to edit your post to condense the question so it fits nicely into the Powerpoint graphic they use to display the question.

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Are you talking about the Theramore campaign? Where we fought at Theremore, and the battle was so big, and there were so many people we actually had to have GMs come and ask us to leave because we were causing so much lag and strain on the server we were making people in SW Crash and lag out?

That was so much fun.

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You bring up a good point, and I tried to parse it down as best I could. >< Even if they don’t answer mine, it’s certainly not the only question in there about Cross RP, so maybe we’ll get lucky anyway!

Good job Blizzard! You can get all the cross faction roleplay that’s needed using standard emotes like /spit. Anything more just undermines the RPPVP experience by permitting griefing by groups half of whom are immune to attack.

This addon was/is an amazing. My friends and I used it habitually and we’re all very sad to see it go. I feel not being able to communicate cross-faction (at least outside of PvP scenarios) is an extremely dated concept. But at the very least, this offered us an avenue to explore new possibilities.

Whatever its fate, thank you for the work you put into it. :heart:


Honestly its moves like this that remind me to never give into a brand loyalty. CrossRP was good for the rp ommunity. IT helped foster RP in a increasingly diminishing player base. And real talk. I do feel deep down in the marrow of my bones that the RP community is the constant. While many unsub once content has dried up or they got their season earnings, rpers stay subbed cause in the end its the writing and imagination they have that keeps them forming their own stories and content. For once I’d actually like Blizzard to implement something for rper’s first instead of the other way around. After all may I remind you this game was marketed as an MMORPG.


Welp! It’s becoming a ritual, I just threw all of my upvotes into this thread. Another batch will be thrown about tomorrow!

And another bump. It hasn’t been that long since the last one, but with something so important to our community, any bit of support obviously matters.

Anyway, has Blizzard spoken yet? I tried keeping up with all that was being said in the thread, but the 'ol attention deficit might have kicked in and I started skimming more.


I would like to put a reminder here that while my gnome cannot ask a tauren about what the symbolism on his totem means, an orc from 30 years in the past on another planet in a different timeline shouted at me from the top of a mountain that he was going to kill me and I had zero problems understanding him.


Roleplayers tend to immerse themselves in the World of Azeroth. RP-PvP is one facet of that world, sure. Although you’re making a huge assumption if you think that all roleplayers RP-PvP, and enjoy the faction conflict.

See, in any game, in any story, there’s aspects we like and dislike. So sure, some roleplayers right now are RPing the faction conflict! They are bravely standing against and fighting the enemy, as a war consumes Azeroth!

But what about roleplayers who want to be archaeologists? Merchants? Explorers? What of groups like the Earthen Ring, and the Argent Crusade, who have members from all races? I could go on, but I don’t want to make this longer than it needs to be.

In essence, Irisse, roleplay is about more than any one story arc. If we all only did the same thing, we’d get bored quickly. To that end, while Cross RP is entirely useless to some RPers, to MANY, it is incredibly valuable. I myself have gotten heaps of use out of the addon, and love it dearly. It’s enabled me to pursue crossfaction Ebon Blade RP on this toon, and all sorts of other RP on my alts!

I hope this clarifies why RPers want this addon, and why there’s so much more to interactions in the world of Warcraft than /spit.

If you think RP is weird or undesirable, that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. But nobody’s asking you to participate in this. We’re just some people trying to fix an addon that we really enjoyed, and that significantly improved our gaming experience :slight_smile:


I want to clarify something that’s been said a few times. I’ve not seen Blizzard say CrossRP was fine. There is no link to this on the CrossRP page or anywhere. The closest thing I’ve found is a quote from the addon irc which stated communities were not intended to be used for addon data. If someone could present the evidence of it, I’m sure that would be more helpful than everyone parroting it.

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