Patch 11.2 in Internal Testing

So Patch 11.2 is now in internal testing. Its encrypted so we current don’t know anything, but I’m curious if something could end up slipping out.

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I don’t recall 11.1 having a build right after TWW first launched but maybe it did. I was surprised to see they already have 11.2 on their internal testing, but hopefully that means we’ll have a cool new zone like Undermine! Undermine gives me hope that they’ll keep doing cool cities and zones filled with a lot to explore and see! I don’t want to see anything from 11.2 slip through the cracks yet, but I am still curious!


Yeah this happens all the time I’m pretty sure. A patch comes out and they start a new build for the next one.

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Rootlands woopwoop.

I kinda wish Horrific vision would have old bosses and new ones. Like have our corrupted version of Gelbin/Tyrande/Gazlowe etc show up so we can fight them.

is this the last content patch before midnight maybe

yes. Just like Dragonflight and Shadowlands we only get two content patches this time which makes sense if you look at the roadmap.

Or Beledar with the Roots serving as the Tunnel to the Zone what with the Harranir calling the source of the Radiant Song inside Beledar their Goddess.

Whatever it is I am hype.