New PTR build notes just went up.
Continuing the discussion from Undermine(d) Development Notes:
They made some big buffs to Disc, especially with the Harsh Discipline and Penance change. The Void Summoner talent is definitely back in play again…
Holy change’s are kind of mixed. Lightweaver got its overall hps effectiveness dropped by 28% which makes it not as desirable a pick anymore if you’re not using it with PoH. It’s not any more powerful of an hps gain then most of the end tree talents now.
The nerfs to Dispersing and Trail of Lights doesn’t make any sense because Flash Heal and Heal are baseline doing less healing without our 4-piece bonus.
The nerf to Eternal Sanctity hits us a bit hard because we can extend it to a 30-32s duration instead of 35-40s. They should have just nerfed Light in the Darkness instead.
PoH getting a +20% buff makes it our strongest filler spell which cements it as the dominate button to mash in raid.