Patch 10.2.6 - Accidental Survival Nerf

It looks like the aura buff for survival from 3/12/2024 wasn’t applied to 10.2.6

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Also looks like they accidentally applied it to BM.


I just don’t think the MM one happened.

Thats true, they didnt apply it to survival. MM i think they did
Come on, Blizzard

No love for hunters again, but what else can we expect. Blizzard hates hunters.

However we did get some new “content” in the form of an incredibly repetitive and mind numbing slog for pirate themed stuff. Thats something.


what does this mean? they forgot to do it or they reconsidered?

basically the leading theory is that since patch 10.2.6 was a secret patch with no ptr, when they put that on to live they accidentally moved the 3% aura buff that survival received on 3/12/2024 to beast mastery on 3/19/2024

So, wowhead news lists it as a 4% aura nerf. Surely it is an accident as SV did not need a nerf but it isn’t 3% either which is odd.

This is giving me teh grrrrs

so it’s looking like it was intentional, which is hilarious because i could not hang with a 3-button all-star BM that knows halfway what they’re doing before this buff, lol

it’s not looking like it’s intentional, wdym?

intentional meaning blizzard wanted to buff BM and didn’t think survival needed it. we’re not getting this 4% buff

if it was intentional it would have been in the announced hotfixes or patch notes like every other class balancing change :stuck_out_tongue:

you keep believing blizzard is on the up and up, my good man

:+1: thank you for bumping the thread

np! and i’ll be back when blizzard still hasn’t come out and said they made a mistake in 4% buffing one spec and not the other and when survival still hasn’t received this buff

edit: and i’m not even mad, just saying, the devs who created such a sophisticated game like wow ‘forgets’ to buff one spec and gives that buff to another unwittingly? not likely, lol.

But bm is a hunter spec which is where the buff seems to have gone lol

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Ghostcrawler needs a job again. Let’s bring him back to QA!

Well, my fury of the eagle tooltip damage inside an arena was 254k and now its 247k

Lmao it was reverted.