Patch 10.2.6 - Accidental Camouflage Nerf

Hunter is no longer able to use Kill Command while Camouflage is active without being pulled out of stealth. This has been apart of the game since Cataclysm and other abilities like Bloodshed continue to work in stealth without being pulled out.

It has been removed for quite awhile now, it was toxic anyway

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This was clearly a bug, and having been in the game for long does not justify it staying.

The only bad part is that this could be used to to break the “see-through-stealth” DH ability, so it’s essentially a DH buff, and DH needed a nerf, if anything

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yeah i noticed this, wtfff. Why did this change? and theres NOTHING about it in any of the patch notes! i just logged on and realized my macros werent working anymore. pretty trash thing to do honestly, i was one of the very classes who could beat DH’s because of this. now they’ll dominate us again like they do with almost every other class.

no i literally have a twitch video of me using it in arena like 2 weeks ago. like i had to go back and make sure and i found a video to verify that this just happened this last patch

not clearly. it was a great move for us

i dunno.
If its been there since cataclysm its basically a feature at this point, not a bug.