Patch 10.2.5 - Seeds of Renewal

The Dark Rangers have looked like that too, Nathanos is just late to the party

Seems a bit tight in the crotch, but I’ll wear it



Seeds is coming Jan 16th. I’m excited to try the follower dungeons out.

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So is there a new playable Gilneas hub, or just a questline? I don’t see info on one on Wowhead

Sort of. Its not like Bel’ameth yet where you have a portal system though.

My theory is we get that once Midnight rolls around as updates for the Northern EK probably occur over various patches.


Hi Past Norman! I have tried follower dungeons out and I am very happy!

I realize running normal dungeons at this point in DF is probably not that exciting to most people, but I’m pretty jazzed about this technology.

I don’t run “end game” content like most of you. I play through an expac. Mostly questing, adventuring, trying out all the things otherwise. Typically I’ll hit up dungeon finder a few times but I don’t stick with it. Most groups are just running at 400MPH and I can’t keep up.

It went very smoothly. If I stopped running to take a few seconds break, the NPC’s stopped with me. Everyone got the buffs at the beginning. Mage laid down a table. It was slow enough that I could enjoy the dungeon instead of some running to catch up to a tank that just steamrolls every single mob. I was actually able to experience the dungeon.

I’m definitely looking forward to trying them out with other roles (tank/healer) and see how it goes.

Aside from Transmog, this may be the greatest thing Blizz has added to my gameplay. Could not be happier about this.


Are we able to start spoiling the Reclamation of Gilneas bit because…yikes. :neutral_face:

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what didnt you like about it?

i thought it was ok. the cinematics and dialogue brought it from a b sorta bad to sorta ok

How to ‘Spoiler’ stuff.

<details> Stuff you want hidden </details>

Stuff you want hidden

To have something other than “Details” as the description of the hidden text, you need to use the summary tag as well.

<details><Summary>Spoilers</Summary> Stuff you want hidden </details>

Spoilers Stuff you want hidden

Orb of the Sin’Dorei + Soar = Superhero mode

So, is Bel’ameth just one big NE playground?

Don’t you taunt me with having an opinion and not sharing it.

I won’t forgive that kind of chicanery.

Thoughts I had while playing the Retaking Gilneas questline. Heavy spoilers ahead. Watch out and take care.

Arrival: For someone who had a lot of grief about being a Menethil, Calia sure did put emphasis on her word to Greymane… as a Menethil. The fight seemed to have left the old dog REAL quick, from mad to sad in 0.2 seconds. I’m not big on the “change of hats, all is forgiven” bit.

We’re still calling them Forsaken? I thought they were officially undead? Ah well. Good to be back to using Forsaken.

Scarlet tabards with gold trim? Isn’t that Scarlet Onslaught? I thought they were wiped out in Northrend.

Years of plague and forsaken and that tunnel was still infected with vermin? But no, really, I like the throwback of “the same way we got out, we got in” quest.

Inquisitor Fairbell quest text: “This probably won’t be the last we see of the Crusade.” Ominous, but I’m putting money on the Crusade having an ace up their sleeve - Calia’s daughter that they’re training to be a zealot. Place ya bets.

Hallowed Monstrosity used Wake of Ashes? Probably just a mechanic, but thaaaaat’s interesting.

Ah, Queen Greymane, then? Truly a passing of the torch.

Top hat AND monocle? Hell yeah.

“The Alliance still needs my expertise… I find myself free to fully take on that challenge.” The future is now, old man.

The mount reward is a… fox? Doesn’t make sense to me, but alright.

Flying around: Hoping Blizzard gives a bit more love to the area. Lot of RP potential for Gilneans / Alliance (hell, even forsaken). Can’t sit on any of the chairs / benches, though. Lot of doors are closed off to otherwise amazing buildings.

Grandma Wahl and Chance are still alive? HAHAHAHAHA! YES!!!

Final Thoughts:
It feels nice to have come full circle with Gilneas - though it feels they just… put all the NPCs back in their original spots (save for Duskhaven ones) before Gilneas was lost. I hope they do more to restore it / give it to the players.

I’m curious how the reign of Tess will go and wonder what Old King Greymane has up his sleeves. I completed this as Alliance, so don’t know if the Horde have any differences in story or approach, but the kumbaya / “this is our get along shirt” feels absolutely forced. Like old wounds are forgotten or put to rest without resolution. Rushed into this World of Peacecraft. Super Hell changes people, it seems.

idk, maybe there were some interactions between Tess and Lilian Voss before this questline that I just didn’t see.

Unrelated: Dragonflying in the old world feels GREAT OH MY GOD I LOVE IT.

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It’s kind of poetic that the penalty the Forsaken paid for their attack on the Night Elves was the complete obliteration of their cultural identity as they were turned into another passive do-gooder race beneath the care of a boring Human, like so many factions.

Congratulations, Forsaken. You’re Alliance.


Oh yeah, that’s another thing that crossed my mind.

Minor Spoilers and my rant

I mean, forget the Kaldorei who helped the Worgen contain their feral sides and control themselves, forget their allies that brought them back into the Alliance and gave them a place to live. Forget almost losing your wife, Mia, to the burning of Teldrassil thanks to Sylvanas and the Horde’s actions.

You got your city back in this little questline and the elves got a new tree. Why be mad? Why be tense? Why give the Horde / Forsaken gaff about anything other than a weird buff in Bel’ameththat says “you’re being watched closely”. That feels more like a damn easter egg than a consequence of action.

But the Horde helped? Oh good, they did what I do on Arbor day and planted a tree. Help doesn’t bring back the innumerous lives lost.


I got a purple backpack tho.


This, for the record, is why no one should trust Blizzard to handle any of the emotional aspects of War Within with any talent or skill.

Multiple wars within living memory can just be handwaved away with no lingering tensions or feelings because the plot needs to move on. And that’s exactly how it’s going to go with Anduin–there’ll be a big deal made about his trauma, we’ll do a quest, then he’ll be magically better.

Tender Blizzard is as much of a joke as Edgy Blizzard.


I’m gonna be honest with you here, Enekie.

I prefer edgy blizzard

Edgy Blizzard was insincere, grotesque and pandering in its excesses.

Tender Blizzard is the same thing, only with less to do.

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