Patch 10.2.5 - Seeds of Renewal

Well, the first reason is because I think it would be an easier sell to actually get it included, but secondly I think it would overall be better if it had some mechanics attached. I mean I am not opposed and would be happy if they just said “hey player housing is patched in tomorrow!”.

We have player housing with mechanics attached to it at home.

Player housing with mechanics attached to it at home is the long forgotten Garrison

Nothing wrong with having something solely to amuse the player with having a house in a digital setting for them to spend their time on. More people than not seem to support it, and it can easily be used to get people to do old content more with decorations rewards.

Not everything needs mechanics attached to it. A lot of the time attaching mechanics to something people want actually annoys them.


Because the mechanics replaced so much of the core game. That was the problem with garrisons.

The mechanics I’m thinking of is focused on stuff like customization of the house interior and collectible stuff versus “here have a bank a mine a garden an auction house a mission table crafting stations and gear”.

Busy so cannot elaborate further.

Wildstar had the best housing. I will never not stan WS housing. If WoW announced they were adding WS like housing, I would throw money at my screen.

(I would be less excited, but still willing to give money to Blizzard for ESO or SWTOR housing equivalents.)


Yeah insisting on mechanics seems odd to me, since we have very successful systems with no major mechanics attached to them: mog and mounts.

They’re totally cosmetic and offer no mechanical advantages but people engage really heavily in them, to the point where mounts and rare mogs are usually seen as cooler and more prestigious rewards than a powerful item (and mounts/cosmetics sold on the store probably represent a nice amount of WoW’s revenue)

That said I think some mechanical benefit would be nice, for like… secondary professions and stuff like that. Having your own herb garden which you can use for food? Ok, sounds nice. A training area for battle pets? That’d be cute. Having a mission table which you need to click on once per day in order to get free money, gear, and unlock quests? no thanks


The whole mechanics thing is just giving the housing itself stuff to do with a focus on interior customization and displaying collectible stuff. Like I said, the problem with garrisons is that they replaced the entire game WITH the garrison, housing centric stuff wouldn’t but it would still have stuff do.

I like the battle pet training area, or even just bringing back the ability to garden or just cooking/fishing or other base skills. I’d maybe actually care about Battle Pets and the quest stuff surrounding those if there was a way for me to get all my level 1 pets I’ve collected over the years up to par by tossing them in a training area.

I’ll see if I can find my big post I wrote about this idea when I get home and on my PC. I think it was a Gentarn thread.

I just recently came back to the game after taking a break from it around mid BfA.(though I did try shadowlands at the start and didn’t even make it a week)

WoW is definitely different now than I remember, but these improvements give me some hope that there is a place for a casual player like myself. Getting NPCs in dungeons so we can run it at our own pace/ learn the mechanics until a person is ready to do it with a group? Oh I love that.

Retaking Gilneas? I am… Optimistically skeptical about it. I will make no secret that I am a big Worgen fan and lore nerd for them. So taking back a wonderfully unique city/area with it’s own charm that has basically say empty and unused for over a decade makes me happy. I do really hope that it at least has surface/ken attempts to make it a hub area. You know like an innkeeper, a few vendors, etc. Instead of just … here’s a quest chain, here’s a reward, and now we won’t use this zone again.

I’d expect we’d be fitting rogue Forsaken or something, maybe corrupted worgen that are corrupted by… Idk, spin the wheel of corruption and take a pick. I’ll say void or fel.

I just hope that they focus equally on Worgen AND Gilneas, since the nations people are both. Even have established kaldorei settlers there to further tie in their link via the worgen curse and repay them for the Howling Oak.


I’m just glad it’ll finally be out of canon limbo.

I tried the new cloak look in the dressing room and draenei are still a bit too wide for the pieces to really look like they’re attached as they do on smaller races :sweat_smile: oh well

So, did anyone else do the quests in the Azure Span where you had to go to old world zones and recruit the remnants of the Blue Dragonflight? Remember the quest where you go to Theramore and there’s a lot of talking about the horrible tragedy of the Mana Bomb, but no one actually mentions who was responsible for dropping it?

Is the Reclaiming of Gilneas going to be like that, do you think? Where we’re summoned to help clear out all this plague that mysteriously appeared one day stop asking questions.


I’d say… we’ll be summoned to help clear out a force that moved in during the, now over a decade, that Gilneas has been empty. There are some environmental clues on the PTR, but since they said that the quest-line itself will not be on there, hard to say for certain. Possible that something completely out of left field shows up, like… idk, Void-touched Ettins.

Though really though, I think Horde side will be more like what the Alliance did in the lead up to Siege of Orgrimmar. You know, small token force of NPCs helping while trying to stay out of the spotlight. While the player character, the Horde Champion who has crossed the faction bounds numerous times and earned the Leaders respect, is welcomed for their aid will be beneficial.


Nah there is apparently confirmation that the enemies there are rogue forsaken so I doubt it will just be that overlooked. That’s why we are sending you in. A rogue Night Elf. Good luck

You’d be correct in assuming this. My team has been working really hard on these perception issues and so far I have been pleased with the results. We also promise that we’re the New Horde now and are totally friends with everyone. :+1:

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Thank you for this and it just about killed me. :smiley:

I mean, the primary reason I was ever motivated to engage in the grueling process of raiding Nathria or Aberrus was because the shiny mogs in them triggered a neuron and I carried out the plot of ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ until I attained the mogs in question.

I really shouldn’t discuss player housing because like Kirsy, I’m 99.9% certain it’s never coming. That said…

There’s a fair amount of people who don’t like the idea of Blizz adding player housing, because they would never use it and it would take up valuable resources that could be better served towards making end-game raiding better. I get that.


I’d like to point out that everyone (Including actual Blizz management and employees) have been putting it out there for years that the majority of the player base does NOT engage with end-game raids and yet the amount of resources devoted to that, is limitless. There are a lot of available datapoints, metrics, articles, etc devoted to “most people don’t actually raid” and yet every single expac, we get new raids.

I don’t end-game raid. Why not make player housing the end-game equivalent of raiding for those of us who do not actively raid? They would only have to create the framework for it once. They would only have to create the area for it, once. Unlike raiding, it wouldn’t be “New player housing” every single expac, unless they wanted to expand the actual housing areas. They would only be adding assets and ways to obtain those assets. (questing, rep, drops, raids, dungeons, etc).

It just seems LITERALLY STUPID not to add something that would actually BRING PEOPLE BACK TO THIS GAME. Unlike rock dwarves, which although I will make one…will not bring people back to this game.


Now, this post may appear like I’m oversimplifying very complex subjects–but as we all know, all my opinions are correct and I am flawless, so that’s not what’s happening.

It feels like WoW chased the old school MMO Raid or Die mindset and FFXIV accessed the casual Slice of Life and Fight Monsters mindset. One of these games is chasing the other.

I mean, having an inn room where all your cool stuff is felt really nice in FFXIV. It feels great having a home base where you can access a lot of stuff. Storage chests feel cooler than banks. Changing glamours at the inn feels cooler than changing transmogs at the Ethereal.

I’m not embarrassed to say that I am way more into the aesthetic and casual aspects of an MMO than I am in running Mythic Wigglebottom Citadel 40 times in a month.


This is a children’s video game, Enekie.

This is Warcraft.

We came here to destroy Emperor Wigglebottom XVII and end his reign.

I have written novellas on the subject. Players might be able to buy parcels of land that are instanced, use the islands from Battle for Azeroth’s Island Expeditions, use trains of wagons for mobile bases or own their own air-ships, zeppelins or ships.

Hell, the latter options even tie into expansions because Blizzard doesn’t have to pull whole new societies out of thin air to create cities for us to visit and use, we have the basics of what every player needs to keep adventuring and building settlements across these new lands/areas/etc is content that was dabbled with but distinctly under-utilized in Warbods of Dadnor.

Player housing could also be a source of ‘down time’ content, in content-sparse parts of a patch. Gathering new patterns for houses, furniture and such, having ‘sideways’ quests involving previously met NPCs coming to you asking for help, assistance or just somewhere to crash for the night, and with the inclusion of these new AI Companions for Normal Dungeons, possibly a home base for your Warband if Blizzard allows us to use our Alts as the ‘skins’ for these new AI Companions.

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If this is true this is stupid. That’s all I really have to contribute to this.