Patch 10.2.5 - Seeds of Renewal

Sorry, the best they can do is “uptight” trolls.


Would you guys cut down the world tree in exchange for player housing?

I can make it happen, but I need to know your feelings one way or another. One tree that isn’t doing much other than standing as a symbol of sentiment, in exchange for free player housing, unlimited customization, and some really great assets.

Alternatively the tree can stay and we get player housing that has microtransactions.

Your pick. Let me know.

I mean… That tree would provide a lot of wood to build houses.
One tree VS tons of trees in order to make the housing?
Seems like a no brainer to me.

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Forsaken already got their capital back and their own heritage armor. They can go sit in the corner and think about their unlife given how spoiled they’ve been lore wise not suffering consequences for their actions.

Go climb your stairs and stop being a grump.

Would be nice to see an answer to the question of what happens to the Forsaken now, given there’s no new supply of spare parts and new Forsaken. Either we get some new way for the Forsaken to replenish their numbers, or they get the Nathanos treatment and at the very least aren’t going to be constantly rotting away.

Would definitely like to see player housing but if Blizz does implement it, I think it’ll be some sort of instance thing and not the FF Online thing where you can go and physically visit other peoples houses without stepping through a portal or something.

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Negative post.


I’ll bring the axe.


I actually wouldn’t object to microtransactions because at the very least it means Blizzard would pay attention and put in some elbow grease.

At this point I’m about ready to start dumping wheelbarrows worth of virgins into the volcano if it gets us housing that isn’t abandonware or shoddily assembled by unpaid interns with the sleeping habit of ferrets.


I don’t see the value in player housing personally. I don’t just log in to sit in once place when I’m playing the game. I usually have something to accomplish.

Player housing really does need to serve some kind of purpose gameplay wise beyond just being there for RP stuff. The farmhouse in Pandaria was tied to daily quests and I think that should be something they keep in order to give player housing a reason to exist before just a break glass situation. They just need to build better mechanics around it.

Last year or so I suggested something about how I’d do player housing. Have a special area in each city created with a sort of Valley of Wisdom/Stormwid trade district sized neighborhood that people load into. Variety of different styles of houses (one type forceach race in the faction) and you pick one as yours. Then you can customize the heck out of the interior sized the house is its own instance like a garrison however you want.

Then you can just hang out in the neighborhood or your house. But there’s no vendors or auction houses or crafting with the houses and the neighborhood venders are just there for flavor and only sell RP related items, so that keeps players moving through the cities rather than just garrison camping.

But yeah, needs a in-game purpose to exist and can’t be a rush job just to break glass and get players back.

I’ve already given up on player housing. It’s not coming. If it was, they would have announced it for the next expac. It would have been a nice topping on the anniversary cake, being probably the most asked for feature in the history of the game.

There was no announcement. The Blizz devs can’t figure out how to add it, where to add it, etc. All they see is that they think we’ll all go “hide” in them. Right now they’re using capitol cities like Valdrakken to prove to players that there are people on their server. They think they have to keep doing that.

We should just stop asking before one of the devs crawls out during a stream and tells us that if we want player housing, garrisons are there waiting for us…

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How come??




Reclaiming Gilneas as a forsaken makes a lot of sense.

‘You made this mess now help clean it up!!’

I too wish for player housing but I’m having a hard time imagining it in the current game. As long as it’s combined with crafting for optimum furniture making and gold farming I’d be pretty happy about anything. Give me an Inn room. A farm. A tent with a chair I can sit on without breaking my poor forsaken’s legs.

The bar is low, I know. But I’ve also enjoyed DF a lot so I’m curious what they’re up to that we haven’t seen yet. Apparently after all the announcements at blizzcon the team mentioned they have ‘more coming’ some things we’ve been asking for, for years. Mysterious!

guys I’m going to be a mahou shoujo at last

This is also cool the trading post cloaks with the head slock neckerchief look great on some races but didn’t quite work on male draenei since our shoulders are so large, hopefully this will fit better


Not if you support its destruction.

“New Troll & “Dranei” Customizations”
“Unique Customization for Draenei”

I’m going back to bed.

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lol well they did the same thing with green hair belf. I do like the dark purple/black look for Draenei (obv since I use the current darkest option) but c’mon, port some lightforged hairs or some other simple changes

I do really like that new customizations are being added each patch, no matter how minor. Yeah, hair and skin tones aren’t as cool as more substantial stuff but every new option helps

I feel like I would be much less annoyed if they hadn’t withheld the actual detail of what it was initially… for some baffling reason. Right off the rip in the blue text, it was “five new Troll hairstyles, and a ~unique customization~ for Draenei!”

Just… say “1 new skin tone.” Maybe it’ll even look cool with Man’ari eyes!

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Collectable stuff to put in your house.
People love to collect. Just look at mounts, toys and battle pets… and some times other random crap!
I for one enjoy collecting Loque’nahak necklaces! Why? Because I can and no one is gonna stop me. Its my collection and its what I like to fill my bank with.
Also Eternium Roses.