Patch 10.2

You guys can discuss what you want, I’m just here to say that old world flying + dragonflying is perfect.

I’ve been griping about dragonflying since the beginning. Just some physical issues I have with it. yah yah. I’ve mentioned them before. It’s been a physically painful experience.

This enables me to use old world flying when I’m running around in small areas or trying to find a rare or a little treasure or something. I can use dragonflying if I’m trying to get somewhere fast that’s a far distance. I can zoom above the ground cover / tree lines and that way I don’t run into anything.

Best of both worlds and now I’m happy and really, that’s all any of this is about; making me happy.


The new flying is kinda fun but sometimes I don’t want to mess with mechanics to get from point A to B. I think eventually they should just put both options in all areas of the game so everyone is happy :slight_smile:

I had to watch all the little movies because I had zero idea what was going on. The soul-seed was new. I had no idea when the Malfurion thing happened. It’s still not clear to me how the world tree is going to pass to Azeroth, where it’ll show up or why Fyrakk wants to destroy it except that it gives him power to set more things on fire, I guess?

This expansion has been so absent of tension or consequence that I’m kind of just drifting in and out of it. So far, it just seems like completing errand lists for various dragons and now there’s a bad guy.

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I’m with you the dragonflying issues. I’m a little neuro-spicy in ways that make it very difficult and frustrating for me. But I’m trying. I was so excited when I heard that both would be available going forward.


I like adding in the old flying, Dragon Riding gives me hella motion sickness.

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I love dragonriding but I’ve been mainly using normal flying because I have a really weird thing about using In Character mounts, or at least something that my character would use.

None of my characters have dragon besties so I’m enjoying Sarestha having her skeletal gryphon back, or my void elf having his dragonhawk, etc!

I guess I love dynamic flight but I’m hella meh oh the dragons themselves.

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Been a little bit of time and just want to say, options are always the best course of action and this really solved so many issues.

Being able to switch between normal mounts in small areas or when I’m running quests or something and dragonflying for long distances has me stupid happy at this point.

For me personally, this may be one of the best things Blizz has ever placed in the game. I wish I had this option earlier in DF though. Dragonflying caused me a lot of physical pain and grief.

I hope you guys are enjoying 10.2!


Yeah, I really like the option to swap between the two! I think it’s a great quality of life improvement. :slight_smile:

Is it locked behind Pathfinder or is it just enabled for everyone?


You need to finish the dragon flight stories, explore the caves, and maybe both in the dream? Not sure blitz’d it out right after it launched just to get it out of the way.

Lemme get this right. Pathfinder unlocks regular flying. People who didn’t like GW2 flying now will have to play all the zones using GW2 flying, to be able to fly regularly in the zones you now are done with.

How long till the next expac again?

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about that…

turns out we will need to be max level and have finished the story to unlock regular flying… something something new flying is more difficult and that equals content, something something

oh crap. I apologize. I didn’t mean to start another ‘new flying is teh cool, ur stoopid if U don’t leik it’ conversation.

Just saying why finally offer it, but only if I play the whole thing without it first. Seems weird logic.

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Oh, did I seem like that? If so I’m sorry. I don’t like it myself but I’m aware enough to accept that others might enjoy it and don’t see why both systems can’t exist. I just don’t like it when they gate keep crap like this.

Yep, that makes two of us.

Oh and that bit at the end is me paraphrasing the devs. They literally said that the lack of precision in new flight is a good thing. I feel bad for those still having difficulty using new flight.

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Sorry I took it the wrong way. Just i was so excited when I read they implemented it, I jumped in naively thought it would be less gatekept.

Funny. I don’t mind playing on Turtle with no flying mount, but in retail, my main is 70 half through zaralak, and my 65 is in onaran plain, and I just can’t bring myself to ground mount quest through pathfinder. Not sure why.

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Dragon isles is bloody large, and the quests seem to be purposefully spread out to “encourage” you to fly there, or as I like to imagine it play an orbital drop simulation. I’ve done the whole ground mount for my immersion thing, and it feels slow, but at least I get to look at the cool zones the dev’s put that hard work into making.

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Ideally Blizz should have just given us old world flying if we leveled a character to 70 and had maxxed out Dragonflying, but of course they didn’t.

They love their /time played metrics.

At least this go-round DI: Pathfinder just requires completing the main storyline in each zone and then exploration of Zaralek and ED. If you leveled at least one character to 70 through questing, you’re probably most of the way there.


bit dumb i cant dismount ppl with the barrel roll

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Think you forgot to mention ‘normal flying’ in that post, because you absolutely can dismount people on dragonriding mounts with the barrel roll, but not people on normal flying mounts.

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