Past expansion meta achievements

So for those who don’t know, the vielstrider SL meta achv is coming back with a new retro mount reward for those who completed it and for those who didn’t, who can now.

DF also will have one that awards that Dog from the centaurs as a mount.

So that being said…

Plz blizz, make more exp metas for all past exp too!

The MoP one could give the unused CM colors!


Oh really?

When? Now? 10.2.6?

With all the Torghast talk recently, I may well go back and do that stuff.

Heck, I may gear up a 60 and do a bunch of it.

You got a link for this. The only thing I’m seeing is the new Meta for DF…

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No not really.


The mount would be a great addition if we could still go farm for it. Now it just feels lame cause the model is fantastic but just a silly title didn’t really compel me into farming that stuff.

Kudos to whoever was able to swallow all the BS in Shadowlands.

oh wow… they are giving people a gladiator mount for just doing the veilstrider meta lol.

This one doesn’t have armor.

Makes sense since it was the only.glad mount without a pve version.

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