Party Sync Preview

And that is just the pve side of the coin. This system is supposed to apply to pvp as well. That is going to be a “s***show” ™ Taliesin and Evitel.


Why can Blizzard never just give us nice things without a bunch of drawbacks?

To be fair Blizzard were capable of giving us great things. This new entity Actiblizz though. All they are able to do is add products for the cashshop, and when that fails to achieve as much $$$$ as they want they hit the panic button and roll out WoW Classic.

I tried to get 2 friends to join WoW. They got to level 10 and quit, got bored. Good luck lol. They preferred FFXIV to this.

Not sure why, because I have tried that game about 4 times over the last year and it doesn’t seem to have any thing major that keeps me playing beyond a couple of days.

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Me and my wife are currently playing both classic and bfa.

Who wants to joins us? Msg - godcow#1113

So will this open the door to be able to do older raids at their apporiate level? Instead of waiting for time walking around, it be pretty fun for our BFA gear to be useless when we scale down to 60 and have to farm and gain some classic stuff in retail.

Or is this forever going to be tied to dungeons and questing?

I just don’t see the real purpose of this, if my friend was going to play wow id roll a new alt with them showing them the ropes. Retail quests are really easy to do and you never die 99% of the time, so im just curious are you guys planning on toughing up the world again?

I feel like if you guys don’t do some nerfing to BFA gear, well just be one shotting mobs and not “Experiencing” the quest again. If the devs have time, it be nice to have another QnA for the up coming patch.

Well it’s finally here. Blizzard has finally realized they don’t need to make new content anymore. They can just hand out old crap we already did with a shiny new paint job and we’ll be happy.

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Old news. Since zone and mob scaling that has been the intent.

True. I always assumed I’d leave the game in my own terms though. I never thought blizzard would begin to make decisions they know would actively push players away.

Imagine grouping for quests in 2019.

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IKR this ain’t classic lol. Retail mobs don’t pose a threat at all. And I can confirm playing with your friends don’t help them like WoW and want to keep playing, if they are already too comfortable with another MMO.

Honestly you failed again Blizzard…

Why is such a feature that has existed in MMO’s before WoW even existed now only a party only feature? Why can’t I be 90 and enjoy 1-60 Content? I’m not asking for more easy xp and such you can cut it in half or 5 times but let me enjoy the content a bit more where I’m not super man and where I actually can enjoy a bit more without being 651 levels higher…

Why am I forced to party with people to experience a quest again?

Rift is a game that did this not long after they launched years ago, in Rift it is called mentoring down. Not sure if it is good for WoW since the zones already scale to your level.

How about we FIX stuff that is wrong before we keep adding new stuff? I know there are several problems with hunter pets/talents ATM, why not address some existing in game problems first?

You can do this with bgs too? Didn’t see that coming

When is this going live? I have friends who would join in on this fun.

I love it. Excellent new feature.

I’ve never been able to get this to work. Every time I’ve tried, the other person was phased. We could be standing right next to each other and I can see their dot in the over head map. But I could not see them directly. Quests could not be completed together since in their phase they had completely different mobs.

Anyone else think party sync is broke AF? Every time someone comes down in level they just smash those around them in pvp

Check war mode on all party members. If one has it turned on and another doesnt you wo t be able to see each other. Ran into this problem when I was first leveling. Hope that helps!