<Part Time Heroes> 9/9H 3/9M [Th/M]

<Part Time Heroes> is recruiting! We are a casual raiding guild focused on building a strong community of friends, while still progressively raiding. We are an adult guild but we don’t take things, or ourselves, too seriously. We’ve cleared heroic and gotten AOTC as a guild in both Uldir and BoD, and plan to continue progressing into Mythic. We are currently 9/9H and 3/9M in BoD and 1/2H in CoS.

While our main focus as a raid team is achieving AOTC every tier, we do intend to progress into Mythic once Heroic is cleared. If Mythic raiding is not something you’re interested in however, you are still welcome to progress through Heroic with us all the same!

As a guild, we are mostly focused on the PvE aspects of the game: Raiding and Mythic +. We have a few groups of people who push multiple 10+ keys a week, who are always looking to improve and grow. However, we also have a few people who casually do rated arenas and RBGs for fun.

Part Time Heroes is also an open LGBTQ friendly guild. We strive to maintain an inclusive community that supports everyone. We have several open members and welcome all who are looking to join our growing community.

Important Stuff:

Raid Times: Thursday 8pm-11pm, and Monday 8pm-10pm Server (PST).

Voice/Website: Discord

Loot System: Loot Council for any unwanted gear

We use the addon RC Loot Council to pass out extra loot, and our officers keep track of who receives loot each night. Raiders are encouraged to keep track of their BiS items and tier pieces, and use the note feature of RCLC to inform us when a BiS item for them drops. We always try to be as fair as possible when distributing loot.

Attendance: Real life happens and we understand that. While we would love to have everyone attend raid 100% of the time, we understand it isn’t always feasible. If real life calls, handle your business! All we ask is that you let us know in our AFK channel on discord at least an hour before raid to give the officers a chance to properly prepare.

Part Time Heroes supplies Raid Consumables (food and flasks), Gems, and Enchants to all Raiders. We do appreciate donations to keep all this flowing.

We are currently recruiting the following:


Shadow Priest

Elemental Shaman

Arms or Fury Warrior


Protection Warrior

Protection Paladin

Blood Death Knight

Guardian Druid

All classes and specs will be considered, however the above is currently preferred. Capable offspecs are a big plus!

For those who are interested in raiding, we prefer you to be at least ilvl ~385 before raiding. We are willing to help gear those of you who are interested via Raiding and Mythic +, but a lot of the responsibility is up to you as well.

If you’re interested and want to know more, feel free to send one of our officers a bnet friend request to set up a chat!

Contact Info:

GM : Tyr - Panda507#1655

Raid Leader : Lemon - Genuinejerk#1975

Recruitment : Kath - Kathulhu#1562

M+ Coordinator : Faun - Fauntastic#1168

Hello, long time player here who is easing back to the Horde side. Currently my BM Hunter is at 393 ilevel but working fast on getting that higher. The raid times work perfect for me as I am on the west coast.

If you got room for me in your guild and raid group, shoot me a PM in game and I’ll be happy to chat more.

Cheers! - Grendel#1570

LF holy pally and MW monk!

Bumpity bump bump

LF Healers!

There a bump

LF more healers!

bump it friends