Parallels between the Drakthyr and the Forsaken

You are not the first person to assume that I have all these friends, when in reality I don’t.
I don’t have a single friend here. I don’t think it’s possible in this community to actually have friends, it’s too toxic. I don’t even think you have friends here, despite the fact that it looks like you have backers, you just have people who hate the same people as you.

That’s all ‘friendship’ is here.

Already disagreeing with yourself. Did not take long .

You brought up the “friends”. Who ever you think they may be. I am perfectly fine with leaving others out of it.

That aside, You ignore that I actually said your statement had legs to stand on. You complain about dehumanizing treatment. But you ignore lore based discussion and focus on a “perceived” personal attack. If you ignore agreement and focus on perceived slights, small wonder you feel so negative about what people say.


Your entire reply reaffirms why this space is toxic because somehow you’ve managed to turn expressing “You upset me, and I feel hurt.” into gaslighting.

You upset me and I feel hurt. I’m not your exwife you don’t have to manipulate and gaslight me trying to hold on to a superficial online attachment. I can express that your behavior hurts me and I can accept that as a undeniable fact, I can also move on from this place, which is what I am going to do, I just want it to be on my own terms.

I’m confused where Curse wasn’t answering the post, and now has to deal w personal attacks because the OP perceives what he originally said about the lore as such?


I appreciate that. I honestly was not being offensive or personally attacking her in my original reply. It was almost entirely about the lore.

Like, I know I can be rude and vulgar on purpose, but I do not feel I was in my first post in the thread.

It seems to get like that with Ren, I try to discuss the lore even on her terms, and she ignores the lore discussion for personal attacks.

OK. I am sure the fact that I walk and breathe is unacceptable and offensive to some people. That does not mean I am wrong to walk and breathe. Or that I will change.

Ok, now you lost me. What even is this?


I don’t think it was an intended parallel, but I can see that there are parallels.

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The forums may not be the place for you then. People on the internet aren’t going to be nice and if someone not disagreeing in the nicest way sets you off it may be good for you not to use the forums

She looks at alt tracking websites to find alts, then when the people she stalks use characters that aren’t their mains she harasses them and tells everyone who their main is.


I don’t do any of that. I am far too busy with my life than to troll people using multiple alts. Is this part of your fabricated narrative that I am a cult leader?

You all claim I am delusional but the lengths that you would lie and manipulate to cover your sexual harassement is delusionl.


in the few hours she’s been back hasn’t she been on like 3-4 different characters though, like people change characters sometimes i feel like those w glass houses shouldn’t throw stones for sure.

in any case i really only tuned in bcz curse was being randomly attacked and he was making solid lore arguments not personal ones

he basically said what sarm who i also agree w said


ummm what.


The irony is the only way you would know this is if you or one of your friends was using a thing like what Evelyssa suggested to look up people’s alts.

Interesting projection but the only person who is actually known to do this is is your friend Doness. You are friends with a stalker. I have screenshots from the story forum discord that prove he’s a stalker. He showed me he was stalking Drahalina, Carhagen and a few others. I called him out on it he became extreemely abusive- I told him it was creeoy that he stalked women in this forum and I unfriended and blocked him.

He’s stil lstalking people on this platform, using a thrid party to scan people’s alts. Curse ever said once that he appreciates the information Doness is able to provide. It’s creepy, and if you support this behavior that’s what’s really unhinged.

The lengths that people in this forum would go to protect not one but a circle of abusive men. If you think to silence me think again. I’ll continue to tell my story until I get justice.

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why are you making so many callouts I don’t understand.

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can u stop making false accusations ty, I feel like youre derailing your own thread.

to be clear this all started because curse argued lore points w you and you started ranting about

stuff like this?

I feel like to come back to the thread topic I want to say I agree w curse here, as well as sarm.


This is the first time I’ve peaked in the story forums for awhile and I see this thing. Could make a top 10 list about why you shouldn’t enter the SF.


She came back on Dramatic, then switched to Renautist, now she’s posting on a classic version of that character assumedly because her DF characters forum posts got reported. I did see last night that a rude post she made to Aki got flagged.

You’re easy.

She’s an extremely toxic poster who rages against people who don’t agree with her then makes false accusations against those people. She use to have a friend group of forum posters until she burnt bridges with them and made false accusations against them too.

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oh wow. people sure are weird aren’t they.

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What am I reading in here. Not everything is about the Forsaken by the way, despite how much Danuser or whoever writes them wants them to dominate everyone all the time.

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A mess as always