Its absolutely unacceptable that the Paragons of the Klaxxi in Siege of Orgrimmar is still bugged after 7 years.
For context, if the player kills the Klaxxi’s too fast, the final Klaxxi will not jump down from the scaffolding, resulting in the player getting stuck in the arena, whilst in combat, with no way out other than to use an Aggro reset skill or to ALT + F4 to reset the fight.
It’s not about killing the bosses too quickly. I one shot them as soon as I can every time and have no issues.
The real problem is people starting the fight before they all say their pre-battle lines. It’s easy to clear the trash and click the crystal too quickly; just take it easy and you’ll be fine.
The last line is, “Come, children of the Titans. You face the Paragons.”
Once that line is said, you can start the fight and kill them as quickly as you want.