Paragon Reputation Dragonflight. Toys? Mounts?

Does season 4 plan on bringing us any additions to the paragon reputation loot lists?

Whether it be toys, pets or mounts.
Myself and many others are wondering if we should purge any BoA rep tokens we have been saving incase this holds true.

I’d be surprised if they randomly added them now. I do think it’s something they need to revisit for the TWW reps though, because the DF paragon boxes were… disappointing.

I think it is fine that paragon boxes just give gold just so reputation after max rep feels like it gives something (maybe increase the gold though). Mounts/toys should just be for progressing or at the end of the renown track and if new ones are added then added via other methods ie achievements like the meta reputation themed meta achievements they are added recently in 10.2.6.


I think I’d be okay with either basic rewards or paragon specific items.

I’d be really nice for the future if we could be apprised of the intentions for that content patch / expansion prior. It’s feels good to be able to plan for months down the road with things like BoA rep tokens.