Looking for more lonely raiders and dungeoneers. We’re a chill group of friends that like to push content whether that be raiding or M+. We are currently pushing heroic Abberus, but we do a weekly normal run. We currently have a 1 tank for raiding, but we are looking for all roles. There are no set times for raiding quite yet because we are an upcoming guild and wanted to have more people in order to have a set time. Again, we are very chill and mainly just like to have a good time. You also do not have to raid or do mythic +. If you just want a chill guild to hang out with or whatever. If interested please feel free to apply on the guild tab or message me on Discord: autamatic.
Hey there! I could possibly be interested. I have been raiding 2 characters in 2 separate guilds so i have i433 Ret Paladin and i434 Dev/Aug Evoker. If you end up setting a schedule up for Fri / Sat evenings hit me up! Have AOTC
Discord: Nith44
Battle.net: Nithilus#11474