<Para Bellum> Alliance 25m 9/9 HM Recruiting

We are seeking a few reliable and exceptional raiders to join our established 25man teams. If you’re looking for a guild that allows you to grow & reach your raiding potential, we’d love to hear from you. Our raid schedule is as follows;

Wed/Thu team | 9pm-12pm | full HMs cleared
This team is seeking an exceptional range dps (lock/hunter pref)

Sun/Mon team | 7:30pm - 10:30pm | full HMs cleared
This team is seeking any exceptional dps (rogue/spriest pref) and a healer (pally/shammy/priest pref).

Our 10man teams regularly clear all HM’s too - raid times vary throughout the week.

We pride ourselves on our close-knit guild community and enjoy social events and an active discord. When raiding, we expect our members to maintain an attitude of continuous improvement and clean execution. For loot we use a transparent loot council system with minimal fuss.

If you’re interested please message me @kittens or @Izferal - we can answer any questions and send you a link to our app form if you wish to apply.