These two pets are supposed to drop from the Bee Event in Stormsong Valley in Battle For Azeroth. I have spent about an hour flying over drop points and I cannot find the Honeyback Harvester that starts the event. Has this been removed?
Thank you, that gives me hope. I am wondering if there isn’t a prerequisite quest. I am currently working on the “let’s Bee Friends” quest line. Six days to go.
It may very well be required to start the Honeyback Hive quests and rep in order to access the Honeyback Harvester events. I really am not sure since I have already done it and thus they are available to all my characters now.
So, you will need either Bumbles (from Let’s Bee Friends quests) or Seabreeze Bumblebee (from a vendor in Stormsong Valley) to start the Honeyback Hive quests and reputation path which leads to the Honeyback Harvester mount.
I started the Honeyback Hive quests with just Seabreeze Bumblebee when it was current. I didn’t get Bumbles until last year.
If you can acquire Seabreeze Bumblebee now, then you can start the Honeyback Harvester quests and rep path. Otherwise, you will need to wait until you complete the Let’s Bee Friends quests to get Bumbles](
More info about the Honeyback Harvester quests and rep:
I did in fact find the bees. Thank you for the replies. It took me about 2 hours. I am a stubborn pet collector.