Pants wearing casters

What about us who dare to shun both??

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Hash Slinging Slasher?

I haz pants.

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A robe makes our legs poof into the twisting nether.

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Yarr, here’s to pants!

i went plain and simple since i am on the islands i feel like being confortable.

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Here I am!

And this is a collection of both robed and non-robed outfits I often wear:


I wear the fanciest pants.

It would be better if anything on your mog actually matched.


If I ever end up playing a worgen caster, I’d make the effort to wear pants instead of a robe.

Running Wild just does NOT work with robes. And why play a worgen if you’re not going to run wild?


Yet, I’m still on board with her decision.

I think of myself as wearing trousers, honestly.

Lol, pants. My nightborne alt needs no pants!

Muh arcane mage.

I use the KT PVP armor on my Mage specifically so that she’ll be in trousers! I approve of this thread!

Pants are, in fact, the best. Less tripping risk, less to risk catching on fire.

I don’t feel dressed if I’m wearing a robe.

And then there are those of us who want to be a healer in a dress.

My caster here doesnt wear much of anything but then again hasnt been played since legion either.

Stand and behold my voidly statuesque legs.

I agree. But I also think male undead casters look best in robes. (Nice mog you have there.)

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