Pants of the Naaru

The mog for Pants of the Naaru was ruined during this content update. They now appear as a funky yellow on the legs with a putrid green around the ankles. Please fix and give us back the correct appearance. Much appreciated!

This is Specialist Game Master Abateold reporting for duty! I appreciate your patience while waiting for a reply! I hope that this message reaches you in good spirits.

I understand there are concerns that the appearance of the ‘Pants of the Naaru’ changed after the most recent patch. I know that would be an upsetting discovery when this was an appearance you really liked, potentially for transmog you worked hard for. I quickly started investigating this for you!

After some digging, I couldn’t see any specific reason for this change, so it may have been a mistake. It’s hard to say for sure, but we should report the issue as a potential bug to or Quality Assurance and Dev teams so they can investigate further.


Thank you, I reported this one too.


reporting this as well, its not ok… like the whole reason i did the quest chain was to not have anything past the leg holster. Blizzard fix this!


So reporting this. I actually just came to the forum to make this exact post myself.

I want my old thigh bands back. This new texture is ugly as hell.

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My priestess is a bit disappointed

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Ok, can anyone tell me an approximate time delay we should expect for Blizz to read about, discuss, investigate, more discuss, draft and finally execute…the fix?? ALL of my toons await patiently for their ‘Pants’ to come back from the cleaners