Pants of the Naaru changed?

Please tell me this wasn’t an intentional change.


I noticed that too.

I just logged in and my nightborne’s transmog was ruined.


How was it changed?

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Nice, more SJW censorship.


Oh wow! I really hope thats a bug. We are already really limited on stuff for skimpy mogs. Last thing we need are the few things we have being censored.


I don’t even know what people think this term means anymore.

I thought conservatives were the prudes?

Especially since pants are the one thing we can’t hide, for some reason…


I really hope its a bug, considering Spiritshroud Legs or whatever(from Lull’s thread) were modified a bit to be slightly skimpier, but those were made unobtainable with the UBRS revamp during WoD.

Guess we’ll find out soon enough, maybe. If people spam Blizzard’s twitter. Probably wouldn’t get a response here, lol. Can hope though.

Has anyone checked the 3 skimpy cloth legs from MoP? I use one of those for my Alliance Warlock’s primary mog, if those have been changed…then I’ll be mega sad.

Edit. Actually, I’ll check her right now. brb

Edit 2. Okay, looking at my warlock and her appearances, everything else seems the same. So just Pants of the Naaru and Spiritshroud were changed. I’d assume this is a bug, considering the 3 from MoP are way skimpier, lol. Hope its a bug at least.


Houston we have a problem.


Omg you’re right :frowning: all my transmogs are RUINED

Why did you do this Blizz, PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS A GLITCH!?

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I submited a bug report… just in case

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i just noticed this today so yeah its still like this they look like crap

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I didn’t know that the Naaru wear pants.

There comes a day in every young tauren’s life when he realizes that large groups of people can have varying opinions. I hope that day comes soon for you.


There also comes a day when people realize that if one is expected to be taken seriously, they must abide by some sort of principle, not just whatever they feel. I hope that day comes for you. It likely won’t, though.

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Vague, pointless value statement? :white_check_mark:
Baseless assumptions about my character? :white_check_mark:
Oversimplified strawman of a complex issue? :white_check_mark:

You win!

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gamers rise up

Please tell me this is a bug and not intentional.

Old look.:+1:

New look. :face_vomiting:


A blue posted like the day after the patch that this was an “oppsie” and the change will be reverted.


Well I am going to feign outrage until it is corrected.

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