Pantheon Rise of the Fallen and Social Experiences

Alright, folks, let me tell you about Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, the MMORPG that’s bringing back the glory days of gaming. If you’ve been slogging through soulless modern MMOs that feel more like single-player grind simulators than actual games, this is the one you’ve been waiting for. Pantheon doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel – instead, it perfects the formula that made MMORPGs great in the first place.

First off, the social experience in Pantheon is chef’s kiss. Remember the days of actual grouping, where you had to talk to other players and, you know, be social? Yeah, Pantheon nails that vibe. It’s not about solo rushing to max level or having the game hold your hand with matchmaking. You need to find other people to team up with, and that’s where the magic happens. It’s the kind of game where you’ll make actual friends instead of just seeing random usernames blip past in your HUD.

The game’s focus on community and challenge is a straight-up love letter to OG fans of EverQuest and early WoW. Every dungeon is dangerous, every mob feels like a threat, and you can’t just faceroll your way through content. It’s the kind of experience that forces you to strategize, communicate, and work together. Honestly, it’s been years since I’ve felt this level of immersion in a game.

Let’s be real – if you’re someone who misses those late-night dungeon runs with guildmates or the thrill of exploring an open world where anything could kill you, Pantheon is the MMO you’ve been dreaming of. Sure, it’s not gonna hold your hand, and yeah, there’s a learning curve, but that’s exactly why it’s so refreshing.

TL;DR: Pantheon is the best social MMO in years, and if you’re an old-school gamer who’s tired of watered-down experiences, you need to check it out. Just don’t expect an easy ride – and that’s the point.

So, get ready to dust off your headset, roll a cleric (because nobody ever wants to heal, let’s be honest), and experience what MMORPGs are supposed to feel like. See you in Terminus, nerds.


Pantheon is flat out not pleasant to play.

The graphics are not even adequate to three-generations-ago games, the controls are clunky, and punishing players by not having a map/mini-map is just silly. There’s already third party programs creating mapped HUDs for you to play, because it’s just asinine to deny that QOL to players.

Not to mention the excessive death penalties, slow movement, lack of fast travel/waypoint based travel system (flight paths, teleports, etc) …

Leveling beyond 5-8 solo is borderline impossible. Dungeons are slow slogs, and mandatory torch usage is a terrible decision.

Currently I would not play Pantheon unless I was all out of other MMORPG options, and my computer somehow uninstalled Pinball.


This is stuff that makes the game more social and rewarding because you actually form long term friendships to accomplish tasks.

This all also adds to the social experience.

Games basically everything the modern MMO market is missing imo.

It is however; nothing like modern single player lobby game MMORPGs. So if you’re accustomed to always soloing and not having to build communities and friendships in game and instead look for systems, yea it wouldn’t be for you.


Here we have the duality of mmo gamers. Lol
I’m on team Pantheon. Been watching and waiting since 2014. I really believe the classic and hardcore classic crowd would eat this game up. See you in Terminus

-wyrmbait 18 pally VoA server


I’m just hopeful for it to hit a 1.0 state.

It’s been growing in pop every day since launch cus it has that old school magic missing these days.


Lol talks about graphics on a wow forum. One of the things I disliked most since launch were the potato graphics that were probably a business decision so they could distribute to as many potato PCs and profit.

Pantheon is not meant to be a graphical leap. It’s meant to replicate old MMOs, so your point is funny. Guess you missed that it’s a boomer MMO.

It’s probably closer to eq…the eq that wow stole most it’s ideas from (or any other similar old MMO).

Just saying


Guess you missed that Brad McQuaid took the gofundme millions of dollars and spent it on prostitutes and drugs (quite literally) leaving the company not enough money to build off the graphic engine they actually intended to.

There’s a difference in “social-centric gaming experience” such as Quarm, or any of the EQ TLP’s - and PoE-esque QoL being held hostage out of some insane notion of superiority to other games because of “muh investment”.

Like yeah, you go right on ahead and spend that 43 minutes of running town to town. I’ll spend that 43 minutes doing quite literally anything else in life.

Oof Quarm is terrible. Reminds me of WoW with how toxic and elitist that community is.

when they change the art style it just killed it for me and it sure seems like its trying to be a wow clone sence then the game is doomed in thats the path they are taking

Thanks for the info that helps me know I’m not interested.

If we’re being realistic, it’ll be dead within a year if it even hits 1.0. Despite what people on the forums claim (which are maybe 0.1% of wows audience) most people don’t actually want their gaming experience to be a slog.

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