Will you be able to use this on the Classic Server?
Likely not.
This is Classic, not Vanilla. Unless they bring out a CE thing to buy with the release, I doubt it.
Yes. It’s already been said collector’s Edition pets will be in Classic.
If you owned it in Vanilla, yes.
You can always complete Chen’s Empty Keg if you need your Panda fix.
It would be funny if they just randomly threw Pandas in. Yep 100% classic…oh and here’s Pandas.
I saw someone today… in classic… im jelly! how?
If your account has the original Collector’s Edition, you will have a “gift” item in your inventory upon creation, which begins a quest to receive one of the three original pets (Baby Panda, Mini Diablo, and Zergling). You will only be able to choose one per character, but every character on the account will get the item.
Those guys grew erect (no dirty comments, I mean stood on upright on hind legs, evolved, you sillies), started speaking in Japanese accents, learned karate and monk stuff, and helped us fend us the Sha or whatever we fought that corrupted Garrosh in MoP. So no don’t need 'em tyvm
Yes you can. Saw a guy with mini Diablo earlier