Pandaria Portals gone

heh…till blizzard figures it out and nerfs that too.
Those portals werent any problem. There was no good reason to remove them other than making me take more time to get where Im going.


Well that won’t help anyone right now, typical of this expansion, stupid mess up after stupid mess up.

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No bug. But it was my understanding they weren’t going to be removed @ 8.1.5. So I’m a tad confused on why they were removed @ 8.1. :rainbow:

Which will eventually happen. There’s nothing to ‘figure out’ this is expected behaviour. It’s been a common occurance since WotLK when they removed the portals from Shattrath City, then they removed the ones from WotLK Dalaran, they skipped Cata as the portals added were not to capital cities as the faction hubs were Stormwind/Orgrimmar for that expansion. They should have removed the MoP portals near the end of Warlords of Draenor, but clearly they missed that and it slipped their minds until BfA.

Just stop, you’re trying too hard, Blizzard screwed up, and trying too hard won’t get you mvp, most of the mvps are better than that.


I can’t get MVP even if I wanted to, you need to have a clean forum record for that and I’ve been temporarily suspended for some of my posts in the past. I’m just telling it like it is. Don’t like it? Too bad. I’m not here to sugar-coat.

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Agreed, my Orcish friend.

My battletag is Renwolf#1992. Feel free to add me if you’d like a port to new Dalaran so you can set hearth there and have access to all of the portals that way. I have 120 mages on both factions.


will teleport for munchies…

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Presumably, convenient travel options were hurting Blizzard’s time played metrics.

But don’t worry, GD is here to tell us all how Blizzard has always done this, and so - even though it offers zero benefits to the game - it’s therefore a good thing.


Why change it at all? There’s literally zero harm in having portals in each expansion’s primary hub.


Blizzard while you were busy deleting stuff, you forgot my Garrison Hearthstone (not that I want the thing), and my hearthstone to New Dalaran. Oh wait you forgot to take my mage’s portals and teleport spells. Can’t have players getting around the world too quick now can we? Seriously are you that desperate to raise your time played metrics that you have to inconvenience players who want to spend their time playing the game, instead of sitting on a FP.

People might play more if they’re able to get to their goals in a timely manner. Instead they’re faced with a long flight, and nope and just log. Battlle for Azeroth indeed. Lets just keep kicking the old girl while she’s down.

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Lame. I went there often to get to old Dalaran


The fact that you think this change was done because of ‘metrics’ shows just how tightly wrapped you’ve got that tinfoil cone on your head. This change was not done because of ‘metrics’ despite what some people would like you to believe.

You can gain access to more places from the Legion version of Dalaran than you could from the Vale. So there’s no incentive to keep your hearth location in the Vale. This change does nothing to significantly impact time /played unless shaving a full minute or so off your travel time to ICC/Ulduar is extremely important to you.

Insert ‘we’re trying to get better at communication’ by some moronic Yak who sucks at there job, or some brown orc who gets paid to troll smugly.

When i tought the game couldn’t get worse…

At this point I can’t tell if they are trolling us all or just really really not good at their jobs.

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You heard it here, folks. The change is only a little bit bad, you can work around it, so that makes it a perfectly good and reasonable change. Let’s go load more people into the lagfest that is New Dalaran, instead of spreading the load and increasing player convenience.


This was going to happen regardless. Don’t like it? Too bad. This happened in WotLK and Cata, and honestly the Vale changes should have happened in WoD, but I guess in the chaos of that expansion Blizzard simply forgot about the portals there and did so again during Legion because of the portal hub they added there.

Is that really your only argument? Not that it’s good, not that there’s any purpose to it, just “this happened in WotLK and Cata”?


The argument is that Blizzard wants people to use current hubs, and not be reliant on old content for the sake of convenience. Which is a good argument honestly. I would want people using the faction capitals or the current expansion hub over the older stuff, which is why I know that Ashran and Legion Dalaran will get hit with this change as well at some point.

Now I will say this, I stand corrected on one point, no changes like this were made during WotLK. The Shattrath and Dalaran Portals were removed at the start of Cataclysm.

But the point remains. Blizzard has never supported the idea of players using old hubs as permanent convenience pitstops. This is simply a change that reinforces that stance.