Pandaren Shoulders

I was a little hopeful when I opened Bnet and saw an update. Not sure why! My shoulders on my Hunter are still literally clipping halfway through my arms. Sad panda.

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Ok, so itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve checked this thread. PTR just went up today and naturally I went to see if weā€™ve been taken care of. Guys, theyā€™re fixed on the PTR! And not just reverted to how they were prior to Shadowlands. Shoulder armor still moves with the character model when running and jumping, but the clipping issue has been resolved. Hoping nothing changes from here until launch, but things are looking good.


This is most excellent news! All like 40 something of my pandas look so much better on the PTR. Hopefully itā€™s a change we can see reflected in Live, soon.

As kind of a side note, I wanted to mention that the ranged props that were bugged for Pandaren have been fixed on Live. Iā€™m not sure when this was fixed, but it was within the last four(ish) months. Has this thread really been going on that long!? I havenā€™t been checking on the ranged props since when the shoulders broke after the melee animation fix, I focused more on that as it affect more characters.

The long awaited day has come, our shoulders have finally been fixed.


HOORAY!! They FINALLY fixed them!!! Iā€™ve never been happier! :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:
Pandaren REJOICE!

Hmm. Yeah, Iā€™d say they fixed them-- as compared to the Shadowlands pre-patch, thatā€™s for sure, though they did change the angle on them for some reason which is a touch odd. Still, better than having the shoulderpads down around their biceps.