Pandaren New Year (Chinese New Year) <Cross-Faction, Public RP event>

Big like and bigger excitement!

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Bump for attention! :smiley:

This sounds AMAZING! Sadly, I probably won’t be able to go because I can’t fly and I’m to lazy to level my char.


If you can find a mage who will port you to the Shrine of 7 Stars, I’m sure we can find someone with a 2-person mount to fly you the rest of the way.


Well, I just checked my schedule and I can’t do it… sadness. Maybe next year though!

Bump for exposure! :smiley:


Love a good festival. :smiley:


Bump for the Noodle Empress!

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10 days away!! Get excited! :smiley:

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Woot! Can’t wait!

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Sounds fun!

People need to make sure they have Chromie Time off as well, if attending on a lower level character.

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Thank you for the catch! Edited. :slight_smile:


Bumipe bump! <3

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Three days!! :smiley:

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Bump bumpie <3

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:heart: Tomorrow! :heart:

TODAY is the day! See you all at the Shado Pan Monastery grounds, Kun-Lai Summit (NOT the dungeon instance) at 8p realm time.

WM OFF and NO Chromie time! Let’s celebrate the Year of the Ox together! :smiley:

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Hooray! :smiley:

Thank you all so very much for joining us for our annual Pandaren New Year festival. A huge shout out to all the Party Planners and Om Nom Staff who made this event possible. You all did a wonderful job.

I hope everyone had good fun, and we’ll see you all next year. Happy new year!

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Bump for the Year of the Tiger! :tiger: