Pandaren Mid-Autumn Harvest Festival <X-Faction, public RP event>

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TODAY is the DAY!!!

Festival time tonight. Meet us at the crossroads outside the Halfhill marketplace, Valley of Four Winds at 8p realm time. (WM OFF and NO Chromie time!)

Don’t forget your Elixirs of Tongues!

:kimono: :izakaya_lantern: :moon_cake: :crescent_moon: :tea: :fireworks:

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Talk about an amazing event! I can’t believe how much fun was had last night and how much joy I personally had as a Pandaren roleplayer seeing so many people come out for the festival. A big shout out to all the vendors and performers this year, you all were amazing!

If you’d like to see photos of the event from various folks that happened throughout the night head to:


Yeah, this was lots of fun! Fireworks were all-pro and amazing. In fact, they were so good, they must have been imported from Flashbang Exports pyrotechnics division. Each charge lovingly filled with boomtastic goodness. Hehehe

(kidding, of course. We had nothing to do with the fireworks show, or the event. Goblins, we’ll take credit for anything to make a coppah).

Thanks for hosting, Mailang!

And a special shoutout to the mook from Blackwater. The creepster in the white dress wearing the serial killer mask. You made Eddy’s night. Shame the text was rolling so fast on the lantern walk, or the insults could have gotten REALLY good. Hehehe All in the name of balance and harmony, of course. :wink:


[ UPDATED for 2022 event! ]
:moon_cake: :izakaya_lantern: :dumpling: :kimono: :chopsticks: :tea:

Om Nom Noodles is hosting our annual Pandaren Mid-Autumn Festival (an IRL Chinese festival). This is a public, cross-faction event in which all races are welcome to enjoy this cultural celebration.

The festival celebrates harvest, family, friendships, and hopes for the future.

WHAT: Pandaren Mid-Autumn Festival
WHEN: Thursday, September 8th, at 8p realm time
WHERE: meet at Halfhill, Valley of Four Winds (WM off)
The main event will happen down the road in the Heartland.


  1. Lanterns lit and sent skyward…you can buy one in Timeless Isle for 7,500 timeless coins (
  2. Traditional Tea Ceremony
  3. Festival Foods, Sweets, and Drinks. (Love those mooncakes! :moon_cake:)
  4. Cooking Contest (for an Art Commission Prize), Games, Music, Arts and Crafts
    *** Cooking Contest … (‘Chopped’ style. Participants are given 3 secret ingredients they must use to prepare a dish within 30 minutes…5 to plan, 25 to emote cooking for judges…and the judges will determine winner based on cooking emote details and final dish descriptions.)
  5. Traditional Performances
  6. Musical Fireworks Finale


  1. Elixir of Tongues… please bring at least 3 per person
  2. Warmode Off
  3. Lantern Pet (for aesthetics, we recommend the Sky Lantern mentioned above, bought on Timeless Isle. But any lantern pet will work.)
  4. Festival Clothes (such as Festival Dresses/Suits from Lunar New Year holiday. Not required, per se, but it fits the event style!)

Event Discord:
Join for details, maps, discussion, etc.

https: //discord. gg/SGUt4qWkvf
(^^ No spaces)

This is a neutral, public event to which everyone is welcome. Hope to see you there. :slight_smile:

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One week away. Get excited!!!

This sounds fun! :smiley:

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Two days away!!! Get excited. :smiley:

Today is the DAY!!! See you all at the event tonight, meeting in the Halfhill Market at 8p realm time! :smiley:

[ UPDATED for 2023 event! ]
:moon_cake: :izakaya_lantern: :dumpling: :kimono: :chopsticks: :tea:

Om Nom Noodles is hosting our annual Pandaren Mid-Autumn Festival (an IRL Chinese festival). This is a public, cross-faction event in which all races are welcome to enjoy this cultural celebration.

The festival celebrates harvest, family, friendships, and hopes for the future.

WHAT: Pandaren Mid-Autumn Harvest Festival
WHEN: Wednesday, September 27th, at 8p realm time
WHERE: meet at Halfhill, Valley of Four Winds (WM off)
The main event will happen down the road in the Heartland.


  1. Lanterns lit and sent skyward…you can buy one in Timeless Isle for 7,500 timeless coins (
  2. Traditional Tea Ceremony
  3. Festival Foods, Sweets, and Drinks. (Love those mooncakes! :moon_cake:)
  4. Cooking Contest (for an Art Commission Prize), Games, Music, Arts and Crafts
    *** Cooking Contest … (‘Chopped’ style. Participants are given 3 secret ingredients they must use to prepare a dish within 30 minutes…5 to plan, 25 to emote cooking for judges…and the judges will determine winner based on cooking emote details and final dish descriptions.)
  5. Interactive Improv Comedy Show
  6. Musical Fireworks Finale


  1. Elixir of Tongues… please bring at least 3 per person
  2. Warmode Off
  3. Lantern Pet (for aesthetics, we recommend the Sky Lantern mentioned above, bought on Timeless Isle. But any lantern pet will work.)
  4. 1 Star Lantern consumable so we can all send up lanterns together when we reach the festival site. (Om Nom will help provide the Star Lanterns if you don’t have any.)
  5. Festival Clothes (such as Festival Dresses/Suits from Lunar New Year holiday. Not required, per se, but it fits the event style!)

Event Discord:
Join for details, maps, discussion, etc.

https: //discord. gg/SGUt4qWkvf
(^^ No spaces)

This is a neutral, public event to which everyone is welcome. Hope to see you there. :slight_smile:

Only if I get the spiciest of noodles! Otherwise I’m kicking every Gnome I see over the Celestial Court.

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Today is the DAY!!!

See you all at the event tonight, meeting in the Halfhill Market at 8p realm time! :smiley: