Pandaren Ladies Are The Ideal

Elves have trouble gaining weight. High metabolism.

Oh, one more thing.

Female Dark Iron Dwarves are hottest girls in the game.

Change my mind.

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Nightborne are great, they are probably my favorite race in the game. Even with the lore contrivances to put them on the horde during one of the worst story moments in the game. But their lack of customization is just an eyesore so I don’t play them.

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I would say the ideal lady is the lady that makes one’s heart shake with her every move.

Look who’s talkin’, Breadrolls.

Anyway, a zaftig lady is nature expressing itself in its most perfect form.

Also, you’re*


Well you’re objectively wrong. You’ll change your own mind if you really think about it.

-Thinks of a Human Warlock the Gnome caretook.-

Yeah, Pandaren! All of us shakes when we move. Just a little.

What do you mean? They live in a volcano!

They’re literally the hottest!


So lady ashvane or one of the elemental earth mothers XD

You’re taking a metaphor waaaaay too literally.

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Yes, they live… For now.

don’t make me press the delete button for our honorary blood elf sisters. I WILL DO IT! elves need to stick together. except for the void elves.

draenei are a bunch of fat spacegoats.

Pandaren Ladies Are The Ideal

Something something, fetishization something something.
Nope, cancelled!


Well, while they’re indeed space goats. They’re attractive and highly intelligent, rivaling to the Mechagnome Technology.

And guess what, there is an orb that turns you a race member that’s opposite side of the faction as well as an orb that also turns you into a Blood Elf thanks to the Fallen Sun King.

Draenei can be Blood Elves twice and they’re probably still killing it on both forms.

I wouldn’t call your opposite faction member “fat” you obsolete thing. :]

SILENCE FOOTBALL! we are the ideal of perfection!

Now you listen here you little hair flipping–

I mean. It’s not fetishization when we’re objectively perfect. You just haven’t thought about it hard enough.

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A blonde twiggy elf with flimsy limbs telling me about perfection?


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a small round football talking about perfection? LOLS.