Pandaren Heritage Armor

I bet it will be Chen Stormstout’s costume in blue for the Alliance and red for the Horde.

Orrrrrrr…you know…it could be like this?


Not a bad concept. I’ve been a fan of all the heritage armors so far. They nailed it with the Nightborne and Mag’har.

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Those can’t possible be pandaren, to skinny!

Jk jk, that’s a good concept idea.

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I’m not saying this isn’t cool but it has a very “Warrior-ish” feel to it.

Pandaren are a peaceful people and I can bet all the money I have on my wallet right now (AKA nothing) that Pandaren HA will look like Monk stuff because the Pandaren Race and the Monk Class are intimately linked.

So true. The only reason I leveled a mag’har character was for the heritage armor. And I’m almost exalted with Nightfallen…and the suramar storyline was just an icing on the cake, what an amazing questline.

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This but give me a cone-hat that doesn’t make your hair disappear.

I want a cone hat on my monk but they all shave her hair. So I use a headband instead. lol

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Suramar is a really good questline. First Arcanist Thalyssra is a great character.

They only look skinny because the artist used the plate stretcher to make it look better

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Pandaren are food not friends.

It’s unfortunate Blizz will make you use a different Nightborne model than the NPCs though :confused:

Nah, its going to be Mogul slave clothes!

Shouldn’t Pandaren heritage armor be them just being naked? :panda_face: Thats the most logical way to do it.

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Wait a second!!! Are you calling me fat? I have you know it’s 90% floof… :sob:

Could be ceremonial

If you ate a pandaren you would die from alcohol poisoning. Let’s be real. :joy:

There’s no way that’s happening :cold_sweat:

Correction: Mainland Pandaren are peaceful, but the ones from the Wandering Isle (including your character) have no problem taking up arms to solve their problems. Especially the Huojin.

I don’t doubt it’ll probably look very monkish though.


I never used that word. In fact, despite the furryness, I think female pandaren have the 2nd best body in the game.

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If they make panda heritage armor and it doesnt involve a keg either being carried in the arms or on the back, I will riot.