Pandaren Heritage Armor

When?? They could make something cool if they wanted too, playing remix makes me think they should finally give the Pandarens a cool Heritage armor :smiley:

My hope is that they’ll make separate versions earned by Alliance or Horde pandas, but that you can mog both on whoever once they’re unlocked. I also hope there’s a secret third version that is only unlocked by hitting max level on a true neutral panda just to watch the completionists twitch :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


I’m really hoping that they give Pandaren something cool. Shows off the Chinese roots and not just the ‘Monk’ theme.



A house they’ve put a down payment on, but it will never be built?

I think the Pandaren masters are in the War Within. :world_map::robot:


I would guess for 11.0.7, each 10.x.7 patch in Dragonflight featured Heritage Armour for two races. If they were to keep up with the trend, we could see Dracthyr and Pandaren Heritage for 11.0.7, would also be a good patch to introduce the other classes for Dracthyr.

I always thought they’d do one for each faction (Tushi and Houjin) and then a third neutral colour that represents Pandaria. I also kind of hope they resemble some of the armours on Pandaren in Warcraft 3: Reforged.

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I don’t know what they’ll do. It would be nice if they leaned into each side of the Pandarens’ philosophy. They only touched upon that on the Wandering Isle.

I would like them to include Emperor Shaohao’s robes + Chen’s set as bonuses to the Heritage quest. Those mogs would like nice on a Pandaren.

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I think they will be three versions: a neutral one, an Alliance one, and a Horde one. Pandaren can use the neutral and their faction versions.

Give us his awesome facial hair too. Been dying for that beard he has since I saw it in MoP.


As long as it’s not a weird copy of Chen’s armor please for the love of the celestials. Chen’s super cool and all but I’m sure not all Pandaren players want to look like him. We also have similar armor pieces already in game. And as much as I adore the monk theme and aesthetic I will admit that it’s overly used for Pandaren. I get that monks were a major component of our race but it would be awesome if they would incorporate other elements/styles of our culture into the design. They’ve shown what they can do with the detailed Pandaren themed transmog pieces in Remix so I’m hoping they give the heritage armor similar treatment. Oh and #fixthe neckseam on our models pretty please

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