Did they change the animation for this for a reason? The new one is super lame and boring. Couldn’t even tell I was using a finisher at first.
Please tell me I’m missing something like the animation was moved into something else or comes back at a higher rank.
Edit: The animation for Slice n Dice looks even worse. Like an unarmed animation. Kind of starting to think these are bugged or maybe just really are awful.
I think it must be. They look so exceptionally bad that it must be a bug. It’s not a big deal. But, the small stuff like this is kind of starting to pile-up. The Pandaren animations were so good and flashy. To no longer have an animation is such a downer.
Seems like Pandaren Rogues aren’t the only ones missing animations, though. Maybe they’ll fix it this xpac instead of waiting for a couple xpacs to get around to it. Their plate is kind of full because of their own decisions.
Well maybe they are trying to make an effort in expanding the Animation set for things like they were in previous expansions before they updated the models and homogenized the animations.
What I means is, take a look at Classic WoW and every single race and gender has its own unique Eviscerate Animation.
IMO that’s a good thing, and maybe Blizzard is going to improve the game by giving us unique animations again.
I’m sorry but I’m not following, Khlause. Pandaren already had a unique animation. It was a spin and flourish. They removed it. You sound more optimistic than I and I can appreciate that. But, we’re currently down a unique animation, not up one.
My Goblin still has an Eviscerate animation. I don’t have other Rogues, so I can only speak for Female Pandaren not having an Eviscerate animation anymore when it was a very unique animation before. Possibly the same with SnD. Rupture animation still seems to work, but that wasn’t unique to Pandaren.
Edit: To avoid any possible confusion. I know several other races would spin for Eviscerate. The Pandaren one was much more extravagant and ended with a little flourish that other races didn’t do. That was removed and replaced with nothing. No spin or flourish. Just nothing.
animations are a big deal. be loud about this. We picked our characters class + race combos for a reason.
pandaren single handedly had the best racial combat animations wow’s ever seen, and got utterly destroyed by legion’s homogenization of animation rigs.
eviscerate behaves like it should: It doesn’t use some new animation, but instead uses the racial animation rig. (unlike, for example. outlaw’s dispatch.)
if pandaren aren’t using the correct animation complain about it. a lot.
I kinda hate some of the Blood Elf animations, like Eviscerate looking like an uppercut and Vanish making my character look like a ballerina raising the hands in the air.
I also wish Secret Technique had the shadow clones way more pronounced. Most times you can’t even tell anything happened, even with the graphics on maximum.
I must say I reeeeeeeally hate the Vanish animation. Like, really hate it. My character should be throwing a smoke bomb at his feet instead of raising the hands in the air.
I was worried about coming off as too whiney to these forums. They can be quick to jump the gun on that kind of stuff.
You’re completely correct and I agree with you, though. I jumped on my Pandaren Warrior and their animation for Devastate was also removed. It was the same of Eviscerates.
Honestly, this is all just super frustrating. I have all panda classes and enjoyed their animations so much. I can’t think of a single good reason for them to be removed like this. And then not even replaced with anything. It looks broken. I hope it is and maybe Blizzard will eventually give the animations back. They were really enjoyable and flashy animations.
I was actually going to reference pandaren warrior specifically. Haha. Man they were so amazing. It’s also not consistent with warrior. Some races use the new legion animations, other races randomly mix in the old racial animations. It’s a problem unique to melee classes IMO, becuase unlike casters we have auto attacks. And the racial special attack animations were all designed to at least some-what line up with the visual style of the race’s auto attacks.
IMO there’s nothing more jarring than the visual style change between our class’s new legion-gifted universal special attacks and our races thematic auto attacks.
Even blood elves got shafted. they had a really cool behind-the-back 2h attack that’s gone now.
I don’t even notice them unless I’m at a training dummy and timing it correctly. It’s why I’m not sure if the animations are bugged or not. My Goblin Rogue does a little spin. It’s not nearly as exciting as the Pandaren one was. But, it’s at least some flavor.
They look awful. Especially compared to what they used to be. Never have I wanted a way to revert Blizzard’s changes via glyphs or a toggle so badly before. I don’t get why they do stuff like this. Especially to Pandaren. Let the few of us that play them actually enjoy the unique flavor they provide.
It was enough of a downer that I just logged off for now. I’m not quitting over it. Pretty upset about it. Not just the loss of flavor, but the whole idea of Blizzard even spending time on removing stuff like this.
And, thank you for the gifs. I made some short videos to show the animations. But, three second videos aren’t that watchable and I couldn’t post them as gifs.
No problem.
Yah, the old animation was a lot more flashy. I do wonder why they would change it. Could be a bug somewhere. I mean, does any other race have two animations for Eviscerate? Seems a little unusual.
So, while writing this I decided to check all my Rogues and noticed something else interesting:
Fem Worgen, Fem Void Elf, Fem Nightborne, Fem Vulpera(don’t judge me), Male Dark Iron, and Male Mag’har all have a purple glowy effect on their daggers when they Eviscerate.
Fem/Male Blood Elf, Fem Night Elf, Fem Mechagnome, Male Undead and Fem Panda are missing this glowy effect.
Still a lot of missing gender/race combos there. So, there may be more missing the effect. But, that’s pretty odd!!!
Thank you so much for the researching! It is pretty odd about the inconsistency. I do have a little bit of hope that it is some bug and that we’ll get the old Pandaren animations back. Probably a bit naïve of me, though. I’ve read that Demon Hunter’s lost a Metamorph animation. Maybe there is just something weird going on with enough animations that they’ll give them a look.
Thank you very much, Mafic. I really hope this is something that can be fixed or reverted. Whichever way brings back the stylish and flavorful flourishes to Pandaren. There are many reasons I enjoy Pandaren and this was one of them.
I submitted a bug ticket and a suggestion since I’m not sure if the change was intentional or not. I’m not sure Blizzard even reads those, but worth a shot. I also made a thread in the Bug Reports forums but it got no traction and I honestly made it too early as it was more emotionally-fueled rather than anything such as Knocrogue’s very helpful gifs. I also assumed at the time that it was just a problem with Eviscerate when it’s actually affects more than just that ability for Pandaren.
That is something they have cleaned up a lot, and a lot less weapon clipping in retail too.
My complaint is the change in the art style of animations, not actually so much the models them selves, although I strongly dislike some of the retail models even if they are superior when measured pixel by pixel, its the style that I dislike.