Pandaren Elementals

Playing MOP remix and leveling a panda shaman makes makes me really want glyphs for the mop elementals. I love their models and it would be more lore accurate for panda shamans to summon them.


That would be awesome. I love the pandaren elementals.

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Summon Beer Elemental. Spirits be with you indeed.

I bet the dwarf shammys would love that.

Hell, I would use that glyph on my orc shaman. I don’t think they had a Pandaria model for Storm Elemental though. Hopefully they’d add one in that case.

Hope we get a lot more customization for our elementals in general like Warlock pets.

Just make a barber spot for the shaman already!!!

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Tons of cool, new models for elementals have been added over the years… and we’re still stuck using the same models from over a decade ago. I would love for them to finally remember Shamans exist and give us more customization options for the elementals and ghost wolf.


A shaman barbershop would be unreal.
-Ghost wolf customization
-totem customization
-elemental/primal elemental customization
-feral spirit options
Did I miss anything?

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