Pandaren DK Question

Very small question, and I am sorry if this question doesn’t belong on this part of the lore forums, but would it be plausible for my Pandaren DK to have an undead cloud serpent or something? Either raised himself or raised at the same time he was raised? I don’t really know any of the rules for all the DK stuff, so I don’t know if he’d be restricted to just the undead horses or class hall mount. I don’t want to make anything lore-breaking.

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How about the Slime Serpent? :robot::thought_balloon:

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I mean, we have DKs raising dragons, horses, and griffins. I see absolutely no reason why they couldn’t raise a cloud serpent.


first they need to make monks not like pandas before they make dk pandas like monks

I’d categorize this as irregular but that it makes sense, personally.

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Bring a cloud serpent to the Ebon Hold and we will get you set up. Might even add some spiked armour on it for good measure. Some extra sharp bones too.


Sister, we will raise pretty much anything we can get our hands on. Even Tyrion wasn’t off our sights but Liadrin had a few minor complaints about it so we politely accepted her viewpoints.


Iirc the Light kicked your asses back to Acherus.